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  1. Looking forward to your test results. I have a Meade flip-mirror that I will modify. It's odd that they spec the transmitted beam wavefront, but not the reflected beam. The dichroic from Edmund Optics (#69-903) is 1/4 wave for the transmitted beam, and no spec for the reflected beam. They also don't provide the reflection/transmission curves past 535 nm. So even the tech didn't know how far into the blue it works. In the end, the EO tech suggested a pellicle - great transmitted beam, terrible reflected beam. But have to give up light to the guider.
  2. I'm looking for a cold mirror. they all seem to have 2-6 lambda surface flatness unless you spend $3000 for 1/10 lambda. I've tried Edmund Optics and Thor Labs. Anywhere that would have something for a reasonable price?
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