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Everything posted by IB20

  1. All today, in between the breeze and cloud, I have been out sun worshipping with the Coronado PST. There are several large proms to catch the eye but one in particular seems to be jettisoning off huge amounts of plasma into space that seemingly is suspended in the sun’s gravitational field, such is the time scale of the event. It’s pretty hard for me to comprehend the sheer scale of these large prominences and the massive amounts of energy that must be involved. The sun really is a fascinating object to observe, particularly with its current activity. Some events seem to go on for days yet some can be over within 20 minutes. It’s great to be able to throw a solar scope outside and just periodically check in on what’s going on. Keeps the Astro bug well and truly alive through these light nights.
  2. Solar action in abundance; filaments, proms, sun spots and faculae galore! WL through the Tak 76Q & 10mm XW and Solar Ha through the PST & 11mm TV plössl. Afocal images captured on ProCamera on iPhone 14 Pro and processed in LR.
  3. A night of two crescents. Seeing is really quite wobbly but there were still splendid lunar views on offer, particularly around Fabricius (looking a bit like a clown’s face!) and the large gouge of Vallis Rheita. Venus getting ever slimmer but its hard to make out any cloud or contrast detail as it loses altitude and heads towards the rooftops.
  4. Wonderful sketches Malcolm. Pretty much exactly what I saw last night with the 4mm TOE. Nice to have my observations corroborated!
  5. Not quite daylight but I have just been observing Venus in the lightest conditions this season and for the first time I could see irregular shaped darker areas close to the terminator. Not too dissimilar to Mike’s sketch where darker patches extended from the terminator region into the remaining lit part of the planetary disc. Amazing!
  6. Venus is looking splendid now it is showing less than 50% phase. Strikingly beautiful, for the first time I have seen some irregular shaped contrast around the terminator which is a thrill. Again using the Tak 76Q as it seems to handle Venus with such ease.
  7. It was actually reports from yourself and @Highburymark that has taken me down the TV plossl road for Ha, so thanks! 👍🏻
  8. More glass for the PST. Many thanks to @wookie1965 👌🏻.
  9. Had no idea it was called that; I have seen it on numerous occasions where a sunspot on the limb gives an appearance like it’s depressed into the surface. Every days a school day on here! 😃
  10. Definitely showing more surface detail with the TV plossl although I do need to pull it out the focuser a touch to reach focus. Image shot @20x on iPhone Pro 14 and exposure tweaked on Adobe LS.
  11. A lovely piece of black and green courtesy of @Lurcher. Read good things about TV plossls for Ha work, of course the cloud has set in!
  12. When I take my toddler toy shopping it makes me wince to see the worst kind of tat telescopes being sold. These sorts of optical lemons would put an interested child off for life.
  13. Extremely bright flares just kicked off around AR3323; intensity has died down after 10 or so mins since I first saw it. Spaceweather recording it as C class.
  14. Terra satellite and H-IIA rocket body were both up around that time.
  15. A brilliant looking Venus through the Tak 76Q. Venusian horns appear to be protruding slightly and some varying shadows and contrast along the terminator. Some slight red and blue fringing but no visible CA, incredibly impressive control from the little Tak. 3 second video stacked through Videostack app (thanks @PeterStudz)
  16. Tak time for Venus, it’s been too long. 😋
  17. More filaments on display today alongside the large one. AR3323 is incredibly active too, not quite sure if a filament bridge has appeared between some of the spots in the region or if it’s a sun spot breaking down or something else happening. Fascinating.
  18. They are extremely good EPs for the money. I have the whole range and intend to keep them despite preferring the XW range. I would say the 15mm and the 5mm are the best of the range but they are all good, even the 3.2mm works really nicely.
  19. Love how this Atlas inverts as through a reflector, saves my brain from catching fire.
  20. Some lovely surface detail visible now the sun has reappeared in the Midlands, particularly the large cigar shaped filament! Still finding exposure super tricky with the phone through the PST but finally got something I was happy with. Procam RAW & iPhone 14 Pro and 10mm XW.
  21. Yes I’ve said before I’d happily throw my money at 5 & 6mm TOEs!
  22. What wonderful sketches, getting me very excited for planetary observing later in the year. Hate to cost you money but the 4mm TOE is my favourite eyepiece I’ve ever used. It’s a truly marvellous planetary EP.
  23. IB20

    Moon atlas

    Another one for the Duplex. It’s transformed my observing and interest in the moon.
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