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  1. Hi everyone, Long story short, I dabbled with telescopes a good few years ago but never really had the time to get into it properly, or learn anything. I had an old 10" Orion Newt on an old EQ5 mount, with a DIY Mel Bartels GOTO system, it was really neat and it blew my mind. Now I want to take the hobby up, but properly this time. So I wanted to ask you lovely people, what are your recommendations on a setup? I'm really interested in just swinging the scope around at being amazed at what I find (or don't). But I definitely want a GOTO system too, with a good mount and tracking system for astrophotography. I want to spend around £1000 for the scope and mount/tripod. I kind of had my eyes on a Skywatcher Explorer 200PDS on either a EQ5-Pro, or an HEQ5-Pro. I love Newts, but I could be convinced to go for something else it's the right price, and I guess the right choice. Thanks,
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