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Everything posted by Krolvdw

  1. To everyone Thanks for the reply. Now i know what to do. When the lockdown is finished I'll go and visist the planetarium here in Belgium to find out what's the most important for me. Only the planets or the DSO too. They have the scopes to check it. Again thanks.
  2. Hello, I'm from Belgium. I want to buy a telescope with a goto system. It can't be to heavy because i want to take it with me on my camping trips with my Van. I want to see and take pictures of planets and DSO. Here in Belgium they recommend me Skywatcher Maksutov MC 127/1500 Skymax scope with a AZ-S goto system or a Wifi system or better an EQ-5 goto (heavy?) (wish is the best?). For camera they recommend me ZWO camera ASI 120 MC-S color. My budget is +/- 1000 EUR (£ 880) or a bit more. Has anyone experience with this scope? Or do you recommend me another (better) one Thanks.
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