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Posts posted by Traveller87

  1. On 15/08/2022 at 22:40, badhex said:

    Hi and welcome! Some great images I particularly like the one from the plane window 🙂

    Thanks. The result of a night flight with some noisy individuals keeping everyone awake. Google Pixel has an astrophotography mode and is the phone is slim enough to jam between the window and the window shade when you close it... You get funny looks, but well worth it. 

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  2. I've been lurking in the astrodark of the Stargazers Lounge for some time now, gleaning bits of information and finding answers to all of my questions - without actually asking any. (And I have particularly enjoyed seeing what the postman brings to those in the Astro Lounge).

    I wanted to give a quick 'hello' and 'thanks for all the tips' to the members here. And a reassurance from a quiet corner... (as if it were needed)... that this forum really is a great place to come and seek answers and share experiences.

    Having recently moved house back 'home' to an area with considerably darker skies - my hobby (and passion for it) is taking off again, so chances are I'll be frequenting the forum more and more. Below are a few images from my journey so far, including my kit and some astro shots, largely made possible by using the advice I found on the forum.



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