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Posts posted by Plissken

  1. Hi Marty. I have the 127skymax on eq 3-2 and it feels perfect.  I have took some fantastic photos of the moon with my canon 800d. I also took pictures of venus. I have no software just my camera on my scope, then to my phone then on to instagram.  Fair enough venus looked like a white blob but it's still venus. But the pictures of the moon was breathtaking.  Good luck and have fun. 

  2. 23 hours ago, alacant said:

    Hi. We have three. The 6" f8, 6" f5 and 8"-f3.9. A notch above the SW equivalents in all respects, especially build quality. Another advantage is that you can cut out the dealer and order direct. The German shipping and support is first rate.

    Examples with the one in which you are interested: here and here. The only difference being the three (rather than 4) vaned spider.

    Don't miss the current offer.


    Hello and thank you for your response.  I have orderd the Beesser refractor 102 600 focal lengh from FLO.  I'm going to mount it on my skaywatcher az5. I also have the GTI go to mount what I could use, I kind of regret buying that because I don't have much look with technology, I'm hoping it works properly. Anyway thank you for your advice 

    • Like 1
  3. On 09/03/2020 at 22:14, BlueStinger said:

    Hi, I'm new to all of this skywatching stuff although always had an interest in the planets when a kid. Anyway, back in Jan this year I noticed a very bright 'star' in the evening sky. I'd seen it many times before but this time it peaked my interest for some reason. Curious as to what it was I found a neat phone app called Skyview and soon realised this was no star but Venus, of course, Doh! Before long I was snapping a few night shots with my P20 Pro and got hooked at looking up each night it was clear. I fell in love with Orion, with it's dimming Betelguese and near perfectly alligned belt. And I knew that middle star in the sheath was the nebula, but alas, only those with powerful, expensive telescopes could see anymore....I was happy just messing about in SpaceEngine 'til last week, when I spotted an £8 monocular on amazon, complete with mini tripod and phone holder. I knew it would be too good to be true, and of course it was complete rubbish but it does make the moon look a bit better lol.                                                                                                               

    So after finding this forum, and reading up on the fact that you can actually see a fair amount with some binoculas I decided to buy some tonight. The budget is very tight so I went for a Celestron Skymaster 15x70, a tripod, a metal tripod mount and a better quality phone adaptor mount.  I'm very excited I must say, and I hope it's clear tomorrow night :D Cheers!

    Hello mate. 

    I'm new too. I'm from Derbyshire.  I've been learning about astronomy since a kid too but I'm finding these forums and mobile phones harder to learn to use than astronomy 🤪🤣. Welcome my friend 

    • Thanks 1
  4. On 25/02/2020 at 19:58, Mic2020 said:

    Well after days of setting up and doing the adjustment required and taking the advice given on here,  I have spotted Venus tonight. Yes I know it’s no big deal but for a newbie seeing your first planet it is amazing. What looks like a star a bright blip in the sky turns out to be a round/oval planet. Yes it was blurry but I was in a light polluted area, with cloud cover in parts but I could make it out using my Skywatcher 130P and 10mm skywatcher eye piece on a EQ 2 mount. 

    looking forward to tomorrow night now.


    Brilliant and well done. Wait till you see saturn, you will never forget the first time you see saturn. 

    • Like 1
  5. Thanks guys. Yes I have thought about a dobsonian but the concrete on our garden isn't that even as it slopes a bit. I might go for the startravel 102 then I can put it on my az5 mount. I have my super power with my mak so I'm after something to hopefully scan a few galaxy's and nebula, I know it will be very limited though 

  6. 35 minutes ago, laudropb said:

    I do not have any experience with the 120 evo, but it is a long focal length and weighs over 5 kg and I think this would be too much for your AZ5.

    I could swap over the 127mak and use the eq 3-2 but I guess it's the same scope but in a shorter version. 

  7. 18 minutes ago, laudropb said:

    Hello and a warm welcome to the SLG. The ED 72 is a very nice scope and works well on a AZ 5 mount. You can buy a 2 inch diagonal that has an adapter which will allow you to use your 1.25 eps. It gives very nice wide field views with pin sharp stars. As for DSOs the small aperture does have it’s limits, but the quality of your skies will be the main limiting factor.

    Thank you for that. I'm torn between the 72ed and the 120 evo I just feel like I'm getting more scope for my money with the 120 but I guess my 127 mak can do everything what that can do. Also I'd use the 72ed more as it's much smaller.  These decisions are very hard 🤣

  8. Hello freindly people . I am new to this forum, just joined and I would like to ask a question.  I have a skymax127 with up gradedvixen and ovl Eyepieces and an up graded dialectic star diagonal and it gives me breathtaking views of the moon, even with the magnification pushed beyond the limit and I've took some nice pictures of it too.

    I am looking for another scope because I realise the mak is a specialist scope for moon and planets.  Now money is a issue for me so I can't afford much as it's taken me months to pay for my mak set up. But I could just about stretch to the skywatcher 72ed if need be, but then I will have to buy a 2inch diagonal and 2 inch eye pieces? I'm I right?

    Also i love the look of the evo 120, looks abeast of a scope, but I'm guessing it will give the same performance as the mak but 4ft longer in size. 

    I would just like something with a bit bigger field of view for some galaxy and nebula.  Not to deep though because the skys around here aren't the darkest. I've looked at the startravel 120 but I've read good and bad things about them. 

    My other tripod is the skywatcher az5 mount so the ota has to be side mounted. 

    Sorry about the long message (question)

  9. Hello freindly people 😃. I am new to this forum, just joined and I would like to ask a question.  I have a skymax127 with up graded vixen and ovl Eyepieces and an up graded dialectic star diagonal and it gives me breathtaking views of the moon, even with the magnification pushed beyond the limit and I've took some nice pictures of it too.

    I am looking for another scope because I realise the mak is a specialist scope for moon and planets.  Now money is a issue for me so I can't afford much as it's taken me months to pay for my mak set up. But I could just about stretch to the skywatcher 72ed if need be, but then I will have to buy a 2inch diagonal and 2 inch eye pieces? I'm I right?

    Also i love the look of the evo 120, looks a beast of a scope, but I'm guessing it will give the same performance as the mak but 4ft longer in size. 

    I would just like something with a bit bigger field of view for some galaxy and nebula.  Not to deep though because the skys around here aren't the darkest. I've looked at the startravel 120 but I've read good and bad things about them. 

    My other tripod is the skywatcher az5 mount so the ota has to be side mounted. 

    Sorry about the long message (question)


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