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Everything posted by OllieN

  1. Just wondering if they've changed the design on recent models as the mirror clips on mine don't extend into the reflective part of the mirror, they just 'grab' onto a very narrow unpolished edge to the mirror (excuse the poor quality photo)
  2. Also on lockdown last night and first go at a smaller galaxy. 27x4min with the Nikon D5500
  3. Yes, you will need something that will screw onto the T-ring and then go into the 2" focusser tube (I think try googling "2 inch t-ring adapter). For me that is my coma corrector. I also have a 2-1.25" eyepiece adapter from which the 1.25" can unscrew and be replaced by the T-Ring to do the job. I can't remember if that came with the PDS or my 200P though (though I think the latter) so it might be that one of the accessories you already own will do the job
  4. Did some more lunar work on Monday night and attempted an HDR moon. The diffraction and reflections weren't quite what I was expecting but actually I really like in the final image.. Still really pleased I chose the 130 PDS!
  5. We've had a great little run of clear skies and steady seeing in the run up to the full moon so I've been making the most of the ASI120mm mini guide camera for some mono lunar work.
  6. Just got my 130PDS and first clear skies so captured the Orion nebula as first target of choice. Very pleased with the decision to purchase this scope. Processing could use a little work, looks like some blueing at the edges (maybe bad flats?)
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