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Posts posted by Miko_Skye

  1. 9 hours ago, Anthonyexmouth said:

    Out of interest, can you list your setup. mount, imaging rig and guide setup. 

    Of course. I am using the following:

    - IExios 100 PMC 8 mount

    - ZWO ASI 120mini guiding camera attached to an Orion 30mm guide scope

    - Imaging device is a Canon 5Div with a Sigma 150-600mm lens attached (do use other lenses but wanted to see how much this worked)

    - battery pack is Bresser 100w which powers the mount and my Surface Pro laptop that I use to run the software.

    - Software is PHD2, Sharpcap Pro, ASCOM, Cart Du Ciel.

  2. Hello,

    I wanted to say thank you to everyone - last night, I got it to work using all your advice. Firstly, it seems that reinstalling everything after the ASCOM driver allowed PHD2 to talk to the mount properly this time. And secondly, I was not calibrating away from Polaris - as soon as I followed your advice and ran the calibration nearer the south horizon, BINGO!! First run was a bit off (RMS Total of over 2). Second run was much better (RMS of around 0.5) 

    Still a huge amount to learn, but now I can get images and have a baseline, I can build on this.

    Thank you to everyone for the advice ,you have no idea how much it helped!!!

  3. Just now, knobby said:

    I may be wrong but if you are set up indoors, then how are you sure it's not moving ? PHD calibration is only a very small movement ... Not sure you'd notice the mount even moving ?

    Oh, I may have made a massive mistake then - wow, that could be embarrassing :S I thought that when you used manual guide, it would slew the same as if you were using the control pad in an app like Stellerium. Is that not the case? I am out again tonight so will try.

    DEC at 90? I have put in the LAT and LON and am not pointing the mount at Polaris (in the living room), so why would the DEC be showing at 90? I know I am missing something - after 2 nights of not one guided shot, I am at my whits end  - logic fails aplenty

    Thanks for the continued help.

  4. 1 minute ago, kens said:

    In that last log PHD2 was communicating with the mount. But it looks like you were trying to calibrate at the pole (declination 90). You need to calibrate near dec 0 to see any movement in RA.

    I have it set up in the living room at the moment, pointing straight to the horizon in the East - how do I set it to Dec 0? 

    So grateful for the help

    (sorry for basic question - literal overload on all the technical stuff!)

  5. Thanks both for the suggestions. I reinstalled all software in the order you suggested and stopped using POTH and selected the Telescope in ASCOM and PHD2 as the ES_PMC8_Telescope(ASCOM). The issue now is that PHD2 gives an error message of "PulseGuide command to mount has failed - guiding is likely to be ineffective" 

    I switched to using Cartes Du Ciel and I can control and slew the mount through that app without issue. But still no joy in PHD2 in any direction. Latest log file attached:

    Really appreciate any help you can give me.




  6. Hello,

    Complete beginner at the whole guided imaging and I am totally stuck. I cannot get PHD2 to calibrate. I have tried numerous suggestions from here and other forums, but it just wont calibrate. The issue seems to be that PHD2 will not control the mount. I am using ASCOM driver connected through wifi to my Windows 10 laptop.

    1. ASCOM diagnostics pass without failure

    2. POTH Hub connects and allows me to control the mount using the sw controls

    3. both Explorer Stars app and Stellarium allow me to slew the mount to targets when connected via the POTH Hub

    But when I am in PHD2, the mount connects, but I cannot slew using the manual guide controls, nor will it calibrate - it just climbs to over 50 west steps and then fails when I run calibration

    What am I doing wrong here - really could use some help :(

    info on setup:

    Mount is IEXIOS PMC 8 -100 connected to laptop via wifi

    Guide Camera is ZWO ASI Mini 120mm connected to laptop via USB cable - I am not using a cable from the camera to the mount

    Guide Scope is Orion 30mm Ultra Mini

  7. 8 minutes ago, spillage said:

    Yep that's correct.

    Don't forget if you strip down your gear every night and remove the guide cam from its finder scope to run calibration and a darks library in PHD (if this is what you are using).

    If i understand correctly, I dont think I need to usr phd. I am using the ZWO for guiding only - imaging is on a dslr. So I have to do darks on the dlsr? That is the next bit of learning....lights, darks, bias!!!

  8. Hello,

    I could really do with some help - somewhat of a beginner and the learning curve is a bit steep!!

    I am about to do my first shot using a new mount (Iexios 100-PMC8) with a ZWO guiding camera - setting everything up has been quite simple and I have the software (SharpCap Pro and Explorer Scientific Explorer Stars). But hers the thing!!

    What order do I need to run the software to align to Polar and then track objects? I must admit to be very confused as to whether I just use SharpCap once I have the mount physically aligned to the polar north, and then run SharpCap Polar alignment routine, or do I have to align using the Explorer Stars software and then Sharp Cap.

    Any help would be most appreciated!!



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