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Posts posted by btalbot85

  1. On 16/10/2019 at 03:34, happy-kat said:

    Welcome and that's lovely you are excited about your telescope. Using a wedge does mean it becomes equatorial in how it tracks. The users on this thread with your mount are not using a wedge through may be using a smaller telescope.

    Here's to clear skies.

    The great thing about the wedge, as you know, is I can drop it down into Alt-Az at any time :) I was looking at a faster scope as well.  I just got mmy 6SE yesterday and what A BLAST!  Well I won't hijack this thread, so hopefully soon I can post something DSO.  I was able to test my 450D last night and got a few 20 sec exposures of the Andromeda Galaxy.  I am now cramming knowledge so I can get this whole post-processing figured out. Thanks1

  2. EQ mount what??? LOL J.K. But in all seriousness this thread made me join this forum and get much more excited, and knowledgeable about using my new Nexstar 6SE arriving tomorrow. During my search, I became more discouraged than encouraged with my purchase of a 6SE being told or reading "Sell it and spend $$$$$ on an eq", as with most of you, my budget does not permit a EQ right now. Thanks to all the posters and contributors and here soon, I will hopefully have some good shots, as long as this darn weather gives me a clear sky soon. I am hoping my modded 450D, 6.3 focal reducer, and wedge will provide some good shots. I was able to score a JMI megapod with wedge for 49 bucks, so hey why not! 

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