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Posts posted by mattjanes100

  1. Hi everyone, hope you're all well! Haven't posted for a while but still keeping an eye on things.

    Just been looking at picking up a low cost frac and focusing on the Skywatcher 102mm options. I notice that there are two, called StarQuest and StarTravel. I haven't been able to note any difference between them so wondered if it might just be an updated branding?

    Any suggestions greatly appreciated.


  2. If astro journalism is of interest to you, you might want to consider starting a blog, vlog or YouTube channel. If you're good at it and engage your audience, you'll quickly build a following and can easily monetise your platform. It might not pay the bills but could add a little pocket money and get you started in the direction you are interested in.

    • Like 1
  3. Haven't been out properly for a good long while but it's looking clear tonight and I don't have anything to do tomorrow! New moon as well. Thought I might head over towards Wareham and try either that Steeple overlook car park or the one in Creech.

  4. I've been looking at a couple of pairs of binoculars and see that Celestron offer Skymaster and Pro versions at varying magnifications and diameters.

    From what I can tell, the Pro version is a slightly higher spec. I just wondered if anyone had experience of using both versions and if it's worth spending the extra for the Pro version?

    Looking at a pair of 20x80's.

    Thanks in advance!

    • Like 1
  5. Afternoon all. After watching the Dragon launch yesterday afternoon, I thought I would finally try my hand at an ISS trail image. I knew I would have quite a good view of it in front of my flat with the moon in shot too.

    I tried a couple of settings and this was the best result I could come up with. 5 seconds exposure at ISO 200 if I recall correctly, f/5.6.

    I guess there will always be a challenge trying to expose enough to get a bright trail but without a super bright moon as I've managed. Any suggestions for future captures would be greatly appreciated.


    30 05 20 ISS Pass.JPG

  6. The Red Arrows memorial in Bournemouth provides a wonderful foreground. I've wanted to try and capture something here for a long time and tonight, finally got the chance. Here is the best single jpg from a series I've taken. I'm going to have a work through the RAW files and see if I can improve the detail but wanted to get something posted up here this evening.

    The memorial is for Flight Lieutenant Jon Egging, who sadly crashed his Arrow after a display in Bournemouth in 2011. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-dorset-19398268



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  7. I happened to be on holiday in Orlando last week so was very excited at the prospect of being able to see a launch from Cape Canaveral in person.

    Unfortunately the original launch date of Wednesday 5th was pushed back to Friday 7th and eventually to Sunday 9th, with my return flight to the UK being on the evening of Saturday 8th - the bucket list has had to wait.

    Of course I still watched the launch online having developed quite an interest over the previous months.

    This morning I saw a post from ESA, an animation capturing the last visible moments of the orbiter on it's way to the Sun via Venus. Thought it was pretty cool and I'm sure members here will appreciate the work!


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