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Everything posted by Betton

  1. Hi everyone. So I have a HEQ5 with a broken saddle and I can’t seem to find a like for like replacement, only upgrades. Does anyone know if there is such a thing? thanks , Dan
  2. This worked. Thank you knew it would be simple
  3. I didn’t. I’ll have another go today. I didn’t change any settings when stacking, but I will go through and check. Does white balance need to enabled in DSS?
  4. Ok, I’ll give that a go next time I get a clear sky. Thanks
  5. Shooting RAW, but I believe white balance is set to auto.
  6. I did think that, but when I watch the videos, or read tutorials, the dialogue box shows RGB, same as mine. It is probably something really simple that is really obvious to most. But I always told there is no such thing as stupid question
  7. Hi everyone. Not new to Astronomy, but new to astrophotography and especially the processing process. So the past few months I’ve been getting data on some targets, no filters. The single exposure images looks good, once they are all stacked in DSS, the whole image comes with a green tint. I have tried the HLVG, plugin in photoshop, but this ca sometimes kill off any detail, or make the whole image look blue and washed out. Has anyone encountered this issue before, are there some settings I’m missing when stacking? I leave everything as default. My second issue I have is in photoshop. I have been following tutorials, YouTube videos etc to try and get this right. But the one thing I notice is, when I go to adjust the levels, I have 3 curves in the dialogue box, on all tutorials I see there is only one. Any help here would be appreciated. I am using a DSLR, unmodified. I live in around a bortle 5 are. thanks.
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