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Posts posted by stubeeef

  1. 5 hours ago, Stardaze said:

    Which APM is that one and how do you find it? Looks about the perfect case to me too. 

    I got the5mm  APM about a month ago, while simultaneously packing my house up while its getting 100% new paint and flooring. I got the EP case done because I had to be off my floors while they are being sanded. Long story short, I haven't used my APM yet. I have a 20" f3.4 dob, so the mag on that 5mm is going to be used seldomly. Just wanted it for one of those "just in case" nights.

    I'm stoked about my 2 cases, especially the little Collimation tool one I posted a 2 pages back. The EP case is big so I could stand up the back row of EPs-they are tall, but the bright background will allow me to notice whats missing, especially if 2 are not there.

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  2. Move this if not supposed to be in Eye Pieces. I didn't see a general equipment form to go to.


    >So I need to give gift ideas to wife and kids. Since I'm lucky enough to have too much stuff, there are a few things I still want. Of those are some better LED lighting.

    I'm not a snob about lighting, except white/yellow lights. I will join the angry mob to come snuff it out (or you) out too...but Red Green or Blue is the question. 

    I'm a retired Navy Pilot (USA) and we had lots of night vision training. BTW want to improve your night vision breath 100% O2 for 15min. 

    So if you were next to someone at a star party would their green or blue or red lights bother you? If you had the ability to have a rule, what color would you want to choose everyone use. OR Do you not have a preference others use?

    Lastly what do you use and why? THANKS

    Red is better for preserving night vision but Green is better at showing detail.

  3. I can’t add much except to encourage you to get outside and use it as much as you can, no scope is worth the money that is never used. You’re gonna have a lot of fun and you will find people near you that want to share in the experience. That scope is a great scope to start with and you can learn your way around the sky no problem. I also recommend “our night sky“ it’s a course at “the great courses” online. You can order it as a DVD or maybe even find it used. I’ve ordered so many I get them at a pretty decent discount these days.

    • Thanks 1
  4. One of my favorite movies is CONTACT and it has lots of scenes from there. I fly to that part of Puerto Rico often and always meant to go and visit. 2yrs ago I had a chance to but it was a monday and the visitor center was closed on Mondays...my luck. Arecibo will not only be missed by the Astronomy community but was an economic force locally too.

  5. I got my down to 4 filters, then have them in my filter slide from Astrocrumb (Roger is AWESOME), and he sells filter slide boxes to fit your filter slide. Of course this is for a DOB setup but not sure if he makes for other type scopes.

    Added my slide, all are 2", top is side with long handle on it, top is blank for viewing, then TV The 2 Oiii, TV Type 2 Nebustar, 3rd is Baader contrast booster with IR-Cut, 4th is a moon polarizer-stick its sister on an EP and twist to vary the darkness and light filtering.


    Screen Shot 2021-02-10 at 3.40.10 PM.png

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  6. Might be nice to see exactly what you said and any evidence you supplied them? Sometimes just a pinch of sugar goes a long way.

    Congrats! I'm stateside but my small cul-de-sac wanted to light up- I just told them I wouldn't pay the bill and would smash mine every time they cut it on in front of my house.....it worked. I'm moving to a neighborhood (when costs drop) that requires lights out by 11pm for wildlife (sounds great to me-I can get wild after 11pm too).

    I know IDA has lots of resources to download and can give out great info to help you. If you need some help-send them an email-its free.

    Again, congrats!

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  7. Love the code of conduct-NO POLITICS and NO RELIGION! 

    Been around the hobby for about 9 years. I live in NC in Bortle 6 but moving soon to be in  a 3-4 area.

    My youngest daughter shares the hobby and is very knowledgable about the sky, runs a planetarium on most weekends, and does public night tours (pre C19).

    I'm about done being an equipment junkie, retire soon and have almost everything I need. Recently picked up my StarStructure 20" and have a 10" custom DOB coming from New Moon Telescope this spring. Its a knockoff of the Zip Dob.

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