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Everything posted by liquater

  1. I'll not use disks but dipole sticks. https://www.nrl.navy.mil/techtransfer/available-technologies/space-science/economical-low-frequency-active-antenna
  2. I'm noob in radio astronomy and want to build radio telescope array on rooftop of dormitory in University. Since distance is limited, I decided to emplace several dipole antennas considering below links. https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1086/668121/pdf The thing is, I don't have enough knowledgement in here so have no ideas about calculating angular resolutions with more than two antennas. So, It would be very helpful if you give me a expression to calculate such things. And I think I can emplace about 10 antennas and maximum distance between antenna is about 8 km. Is it enough to observate in 20~80MHz with enough accuracy? (arcmin~arcsec ) Thank you.
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