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Everything posted by JCAZ

  1. Thanks for the tip. I am sure I will be going there.
  2. It's here. Likely start a new thread as I get to use it. john
  3. Greetings all, And thank you for your comments. I put my order in for the 8mm Ethos. Will be here on Friday. Will be my first Ethos, so I will be interested to see how it performs and how we get along. As the monsoons clear here in southern AZ I will doing some comparisons that should prove fun and interesting. Eyepiece comparisons will of course be on the agenda. But I will also be comparing my Tak to a Celestron 6" f/5 Newtonian I bought. I had Swayze refigure the primary, and I have a Antares secondary I will eventually put in. I suspect this scope, while not optimized for planetary work (secondary is closer than ideal), will give the Tak a run for its money on the planets, and go a bit deeper on deep sky. Should be fun. Thanks again everyone, I appreciate the input, helps in sorting things out. john
  4. Thank you for the photo. Another issue is size and weight. The 8mm Delos looks like a nice ergonomic option. Thanks again, john
  5. Thanks for the feedback. Back in the day I generally was one that would buy and try everything. I bought Naglers, Radians, TMB Supermonos, Brandons, Tak LE's, Panoptics and pretty much everything new and improved. I did own the 5mm Pentax XW and the 7mm. I do the recall the 7mm being a bit different than the 5mm - it did surprise me but it was not a deal breaker. Now I tend toward a more basic approach. I try to buy quality, but keep things to a minimum. Currently my deep sky kit is: 30mm Paragon 13mm Nagler Type 6 Pentax XF 8.5 Nagler Zoom 3-6 For a while, while living back east, I really ramped down on pursuing astronomy as conditions right outside Washington D.C. were not very good. More recently I moved to a very rural, very small, very dark Arizona community and my interest has been rekindled. With the decision to purchase a Takahashi FC100DZ to use in my new found conditions, I felt I would like to try a new uber wide - one of the 100mm fields. I briefly tried a friends 13mm Erhos right around the time it came out, it was very nice but I really don't recall the total feel that well. To complement my current kit I thought something in the uber wide category would be nice right around the 8mm XF eyepiece, because while comfortable and competent, it really is not a top shelf performer and was noticeably bested by the likes of Brandon and the TV Plossol. In another thread I am seeking a top shelf performer as a high power complement in the Nagler Zoom range for planetary. The 4mm TOE seems to be the front runner right now (I don't wear glasses, but probably should for reading). SO - that's my story and what I am trying to accomplish. I don't mind spending a bit now, I just don't want to get into the "eyepiece junky" phase where people show cases full of eyepieces based more on "having the whole set" then actual viewing needs. I would like to try and avoid getting caught up in the commodity fetish side of the hobby and be a bit more precise and selective. So right now I am feeling like I want something far enough from the 13mm that does not have too small of an exit pupil. Reflecting on this like a well disciplined monk (who can not shake his attachment to worldly items), it seems 8mm would be good at 1mm XP. And for the record, I am not tied to the 8mm Ethos, just seems to check a lot of boxes (including the fact that it does not weigh 6 pounds - 2.72 kilos - know they audience). The Pentax 7mm XW, or the 8mm Delos seem like good candidates as well. There may be others. There does not seem to be much on the Nikon SW's or the Takahashi UWA's. Anyone tried those? Thank you to all who have commented and those who may yet share their perspective. john
  6. Of late I am really leaning toward an 8mm Ethos. Using it with a 13mm NT6 would give me a good deeps sky bracket for small galaxies and nebulae, I believe. 8mm Ethos, because the scope is F/8 provides a 1mm exit pupil, 1 degree actual field of view, at 100X. Seems like that should have some kind of cosmic significance. FLASH - 8mm ETHOS ACTUALLY MADE BY SAME ALIENS THAT BUILT THE PYRAMIDS!
  7. Questions, When you order from Japan, do you do it by phone or e-mail?
  8. It is. Well done. Although that one is actually more expensive than in the states. Still, nice find.
  9. Than you sir, much appreciated!
  10. OMG - too funny. I am on their website right now. I think I can send them an e-mail and try to place on order, right. They have the Nikon, but not the Doctor? THX again, john
  11. I thought about the direct from Japan approach but haven't had any luck. Either I can't find it on some of the websites discussed or the pages are in Japanese and are finicky. So for example, I tried Amazon Japan, but I think you need to create an account (my U.S. version doesn't work). Also, the Japanese Amazon keeps reverting back to Japanese and will not translate as you go deeper into the purchasing process and get towards checking out.
  12. I'm just curious, what the best travel scope over 4000 Euro?
  13. Sounds like you really like the Delos. Certainly would be less expensive. The reason I am going through all this is because I am rebuilding my collection. Just got the new scope and need a few eyepieces to complement it. I also want to avoid buying a ton of eyepieces because it really isn't necessary, maybe fun, but not necessary. So I am looking for a high quality deep sky eyepiece to the heavy lifting on medium to high power deep sky observing. Based on exit pupil, something between 8 to 12 or 13mm should fit the bill. The Nikon intrigues because it's two eyepieces in one, but pricey. In any case, thank you for the response, much appreciated. john
  14. Thank you very much. Ya, a well executed simple design is tough to beat for raw performance. I was thinking I might try a TOE, they get good reviews. But this Doctor eyepiece intrigues me. Good focal length for my scope and seems to get universal praise. I have not tried a Delos, also an eyepiece that seems to get good reviews, although some complain about eye placement. Compared to the Nikon the Doctor is a steal, but the Nikon is two eyepieces in one. I think it is logical however, to assume the difference in focal length between the Doctor and the Nikon is having an impact.
  15. Anyone tried the NAV 12.5/10. Pricey, but two eyepieces in one.
  16. I have never tried Delos, seems like a good options, especially with comfy eye relief. Anyone ever compared the Delos to the XW's?
  17. I have tried the XW's, they are excellent. Perhaps the 7 or the 10 would work.
  18. I am seeking advice regarding the selection of an eyepiece for a Takahashi FC100DZ F/8. The eyepiece will be used for deep sky viewing in Mag 6 skies. I tend to push magnification, even for viewing deep sky, particular on small galaxies, so the focal length/ exit pupil may be shorter/smaller than is considered typical. I have been looking at eyepieces from 4.7mm Ethos SX to 10mm (Ethos, Pentax etc.) as well as some more exotics such as the Doctor or even a Nikon HW. I was thinking that a 1mm exit pupil or larger might be wise for this purpose, and my desires, which might mean an 8mm Ethos or Delos. But I am certain I wish to stay between 1 to 1.5mm exit pupil. Actual experiences with eyepieces preferred, but any input would be welcomed. I do not view with glasses and tend not to be challenged by short eye relief. So for example I use a Nagler zoom or an ortho without to much difficulty. That said, I don’t want to go there if I don’t have to. Budget really not a concern.
  19. Thank you for the feedback. Yes, I see the Vixen's get great reviews as well. I just wish these companies would put out a more complete lines, even if it was focused on the higher power end of the spectrum given the design of the eyepieces.
  20. Thanks Roger. Appreciate the feedback. Was it comfortable to use?
  21. Looking for a high quality 4mm eyepiece for planetary work. Any one had a chance to compare these two?
  22. Updated Grab and Go. New Tripod attached and new dual speed focuser in place. Provides more balllast in the bottom end and the focuser will reduce torque. Of course, it's raining once again, so I have not yet had a chance to see the real world impact. And of course in this configuration, red dot on top of clam shell won't work, end of scope red dot looking more likely. Now just to figure which one, and how to mount it.
  23. Well, There's a couple things I like about this setup. 1) It sits up high, and is not as big as a Telrad 2) the device is not at the bottom of the telescope, which, when pointing skyward, can leave the finder in a very difficult spot to actually use. I do have a 7X50, but these days optical finders seem a bit out of place with all the goto in use. I mean, it's a finder that you don't need to use to, well, find anything. And it adds extra weight and bulk. Ideally I would like to find a place to put a nice red dot, but again, mounting at the back of the scope leaves it is a bit of a difficult position when it comes to ease of use. I welcome suggestions regarding a good quality red dot, and a good place to mount it. john
  24. Installed. Feels pretty good. Of course, it's adjustable. Will try first under the stars. john
  25. MEF3 has arrived. Adding the Tak dual speed focuser. Will help with the grab and go setup.
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