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Mr Spock

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Posts posted by Mr Spock

  1. 15 minutes ago, Sunshine said:

    Interesting! I was under the impression it takes a body much larger than earth to ignite fusion, I will have a look into it.

    It's a white dwarf. Previously it was a red giant which has collapsed and shed its outer layer, leaving a condensed interior.

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  2. 7 minutes ago, Ratlet said:

    Ultimately I'm desperately hoping that @Mr Spock gets a lottery win tonight and drunkenly orders one and shares his opinion.

    It will be a sober decision :wink2: It will also be a lottery win - my pension doesn't quite cover extravagant astro purchases :smile:

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  3. 35 minutes ago, Don Pensack said:

    His pictures reveal exactly why I've never liked zooms: contrast, color accuracy, and image sharpness are poorer than the fixed focal length eyepiece.

    He said the exact opposite! The sharpness compared to the Delite was the same and the contrast better. Colour is a matter of opinion and to me the Svbony is more saturated.

  4. First suggestion would be the StellaLyra 30mm UFF. There's none better.

    At a very reasonable cost the 13mm Nirvana is excellent, so are the others, 10, 7, 4 - except the 16mm - avoid that as it has field curvature. The 82° they have is very usable.

    The best view I had with a 16" (not mine) was in Bortle 4 skies and 31mm Nagler with OIII filter. The Witches' Broom was etched in fine detail. Something I'll never forget.

    I have found with my 12" the 30mm and 13mm are the most used. CO says I'm Bortle 6, but I feel it's worse than that. 30mm has a bright background, but 13mm darkens it quite a bit. I have in between options but they aren't needed. I have found at f5 it doesn't need a coma corrector, probably f4.5 does.

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  5. 2" is much better than 1.25" for 120mm scopes. 1.25" isn't recommended for that size, though in the UK it's just passable.

    My Baader Coolwedge II is brilliant. Highly recommended. With the Continuum my 120mm is bitingly sharp and detailed.

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  6. Heritage 130 would be perfect. No complexity to it at all. I hear the optics are pretty good. Table top though, so something needed to stand it on. Also supplied eyepieces only get up to x65, so maybe a Barlow or short focal length eyepiece needed.

    I wish stuff like that had been available when I first started :blink:

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  7. Looks like it's coming along nicely 👍Great project.

    As for my Mini Porta, I stumbled across a slow motion cable in an old bag of oddments a couple of days ago. Although not a cosmetic match, it replaces the broken one perfectly.

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