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Marvin Jenkins

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Everything posted by Marvin Jenkins

  1. We could start our own society.
  2. In all seriousness, if the tray were in effect a shallow store box then EPs can be stored, a section for filter boxes. A bit like an attached tool station. You could slightly heat it with a dew strap if needs must.
  3. Just seen Mercury naked eye low on the Eastern horizon, my first sighting for some time. Really nice to see Mercury, Venus and a perfect half moon on the ecliptic. Marv
  4. Just a quick note. I think you may posted this in observing deep sky by accident. If you ask the mods to move it you may get a better response. Lovely photo by the way. Marv
  5. Sorry to say not ongoing. However, the H400 (starting it at least) is my visual goal for 2024. You are past halfway so I may have questions for you. I have two smallish newts, one goto, but some nice dark skies if the cloud and rain ever go away. Marvin
  6. My question first and foremost in a thread as technical as this, with a picture capturing dust around M42, with many paragraphs of text about programs and technical procedures is...... Why is this in Getting Started with Imaging? I am not far from getting started and frankly to a beginner this is nonsense. Someone beginning the journey would at least on first look would want to see what equipment you are using to see if what is being posted has any relevance. M
  7. Let us not forget that at the current rate the pre eminent science by then will be Astrology, at least it has ology in the word, close enough for most. M
  8. That is a great session you had, well done. I am definitely going to steal that and use it as a template if you do not mind. I find myself muttering "must get into splitting doubles". I managed to get out for the first time in over three months with the exception of two tiny binocular sessions. Frankly I was a bit lost. It seems I do need to use it or I lose it. I did manage M1/36/37/38 and Jupiter. It is whispered by some to be clear again tonight, so into your list I will bravely dive. Marvin
  9. And skywatcher handsets will still need the time inputting every time its used. Marv
  10. Happy to help. Do your images come in brail?
  11. It looks perfect. But then I am blind in one eye and can't see anything out the other. Seriously, it looks great.
  12. It's so much better if you stick Radiohead, the bends on headphones really loud.
  13. Excellent first attempt I think you have done well. Don’t be disappointed, I made my first WL filter at solar minimum so there was nothing to look at. Wasn’t expecting that at all. Very different situation right now. Marv
  14. Thank you all. I feel like I was there. One day in the future a big Dob will be mine. Marv
  15. Oh come on. Don’t leave me wondering. I only have a small newt. M
  16. I too found the lockdown too beneficial in some ways. Very rural so life just went on unlike city and town dwellers. I was quite new to Astro so I was very much learning on my own and looking in from afar and I couldn’t believe these big events with so many people, then we all couldn’t do it anyway. The only Astro upside was the complete lack of contrails and no aircraft lights. The quiet was amazing, you don’t realise how much background noise there is. A bit like a power cut, all the low hum is gone. Marvin
  17. That brings it all back. Covid was responsible for more than health issues. I really got into the hobby then everything got cancelled. Still feels a bit like that but it may just be my isolation. M
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