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Posts posted by Anthony1979

  1. 39 minutes ago, Newforestgimp said:

    Just looking at price difference it’s really only £20 more for this than the mini version, did you guys buy as a dedicated guide camera or did you migrate it from imaging duties ?

    for me ATM the guiding side is the focus as I’ll continue with DSLR until I feel I’m up to another layer of complexity.

    thanks again chaps

    I got it just for mainly guiding but i will use it on the moon occasionally for the kids to watch on the laptop

    • Like 1
  2. 42 x 60 second lights

    15 flats

    15 bias

    ISO 400

    skywatcher 130pds, nikon D5600, EQ-5, 

    Guided with skywatcher 50ed, Asi120mm-s, but dont think it worked again

    Stacked in DSS and processed in photoshop

    its not that good but i tried and its there


    M1 Crab Nebula 24-12-20-Recovered.png

    • Like 2
  3. 1 hour ago, Tommohawk said:

    Normally when I guide with EQ3-2  I have the laptop controlling the mount using Stellarium via an FTDI cable, plugged into the Skywatcher goto unit.  The guidecamera plugs into the laptop and uses PHD to modify the tracking commands. The camera doesn't connect to the Skywatcher unit - only to the laptop.

    I don't use the Skywatcher handset at all, though I recall there is a way of setting up using the handset. Is that what youre doing?

    If your going to use a laptop, it's probably better to do it using 1st method.


    This is the exact way i do it with my eq5.... Easy and simple

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