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Everything posted by Anthony1979

  1. Yes i no it was just a quick single shot... Is that dust on my sensor
  2. this is it processed used my nikon
  3. this is my single hit and miss shot of m51 before i processed it whirlpool.TIF
  4. Yes i use my misses laptop now thanks
  5. This is my equipment...... Skywatcher explorer 150p and st102 Standard eq5 no goto just the skywatcher Enhanced dual axis motors Canon 450d and nikon d3500 unmodded Im not really bothered about getting goto because i enjoy the challenge of looking manually pls budget is really low now
  6. How much would this cost and would it go on my eq5
  7. And do you just plug it into the handset
  8. I use a eq5 with Enhanced duel axis motors... But went through my random images of last night and found an image with the whirlpool right on the edge of the image
  9. Went out again last night and thought i would try and get an image of the whirlpool but couldnt find it so tried for bodes and couldnt find that either... Spent all night look but nothing..
  10. I cant seem to find an intervolmeter for this camera
  11. I only changed because there not much software for the nikon... The d3500 doesnt work with APT or any other software and was limited to 30 seconds... Thats why i bought the 450d because of use of software
  12. I nearly packed it all in yesterday and was going to sell up... But im not going to let it beat me... I will try to processing it again later
  13. Yes this is what im looking towards.... But i was told the 450d was a decent camera for imaging
  14. So its not my equipment then... Its my processing still are bad
  15. i did this with same equipment but with my nikon d3500......... so i thought if i got a canon 450d i would get better results
  16. single light frame 60 seconds iso 800 IMG_9478.CR2
  17. I used level in gimp but this is what it came out like
  18. So will i be able to get the background black like it surpose to be
  19. can someone please tell me why my image is like this never had this on my nikon d3500 31 60sec lights 10 darks using sw explorer 150p and canon 450d stacked in dss and quick process in gimp
  20. Thanks but i deleted them didnt think they were any good
  21. Can anyone tell me what this is... I vame with my skywatcher evoguide 50... Have got a clue what it is
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