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Everything posted by Anthony1979

  1. Take the extention tube off.... The one with the cap on use that one
  2. What do you mean im only using a cheap amazon cam
  3. I want to capture the moon using sharpcap....how long should i run the video for to get a decent image after stacking
  4. Wow nice image.... ive got the same scope but was told it was rubbish for ap
  5. Rother valley optics for my scopes and bits and MPB for my cameras
  6. I had to take the flats out that was causing that 'hole'
  7. Skywatcher 150p dual motors EQ-5 Canon 450d unmodded 14 x 60 seconds lights 20 darks ISO 800 this is my first image of this and processing is all messed up cos i havent got a clue what im doing
  8. Which file do i save the stacked image.. 32 bit/ch - integer or 32 bit /ch - rational
  9. All images were done with 20 darks 20 bias and 40 flats so im not sure why they are coming out like that Could it have something to do with the camera
  10. M51 Whirlpool Galaxy 25-3-20.TIF M101 Pinwheel 26-3-20.TIF
  11. can someone proess these images for me please.... i am rubbish at processing and just wondering what the would turn out like and if the imaging is right M13 The Great Hercules 26-3-20.TIF
  12. Im just doing my lights now of M51 again.. Do i do my flats straight after or can they wait till morning
  13. Yes its all square just double checked but still a bit tight to turn
  14. I bought a new dual speed focuser and i am wondering if i can tune it so it isnt so tight to turn
  15. Ive just bought one of these arrived today.... Let me no how you fine tune it please mine feels a bit tight
  16. clear outside says im in bortle 6
  17. 135 x 40 second lights - Total time 1hr 30 min 20 darks, 20 flats and 20 bias, ISO 800 Skywatcher 150p, Canon 450d and EQ-5 Dual motors Stacked in dss and processed in GIMP Can anyone help on how to process the image
  18. first go at the whirlpool last night 12x60 sec lights 10 darks ISO 800 Skywatcher 150p, Nikon D3500 on EQ5 dual motors quick process in gimp.... my processing skills are not that good
  19. I no its not that good but I was well impressed when i seen it it was just a random shot before packing up for the night
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