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maw lod qan

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Everything posted by maw lod qan

  1. Last night it was to bed for work early this morning. First thing I see on the local FB page is the plasma trail of the returning capsule was visible all the way down to the area where I live. It crossed the State and splashed down into the Atlantic off Jacksonville. Hopefully I'll get another chance.
  2. You've done the old God justice! Excellent!
  3. A mixer! Sure beats the old trough and hoe routine! I'll also be watching for updates.
  4. I will admit that there are many times I can only read along with the posts, but not really keep up with the conversation. But the group here has definitely enriched my mind.
  5. I have just seen that a Japanese astronomer recorded a large impact on Jupiter. It was seen on Aug. 29. Anyone else seen anything on this?
  6. I just saw and read a FB popup saying that an observatory in Hawaii and Chile were hacked, so they shut them down temporarily. I'm sure it's a week or two behind the actual event. They are still investigating, so no releasing much information. Why would someone do this, other than to just see if they could? I know it's almost impossible to catch the offender, but all this hacking needs to be punished severely, so perhaps it might deter others from doing it for fun.
  7. Lovely! I haven't looked at the few I hurried to take yet. I'll take the card up to my computer. Was fighting fogging with the humidity and the cameras being cool from the AC.
  8. Wow, your observatory looks so neat and cleaned compared to mine! 😒
  9. That end of my property is 330' across. I only have about 50' where I can set up easily. This is on my driveway. Usually it goes to the right, but this trajectory was different. Now I know better what to plan for.
  10. I decided to try something different. I wanted one long exposure instead of many individual shots. All the batteries for my older Canon are kaput. So maybe next time some of both images. As you can see, I have to find a better location! Or perhaps if we get a storm next week some strange Husqvarna winds might remove the power pole and my neighbors trees! 😏
  11. This morning everything worked. Watched SpaceX Crew7 from my spot at the end of my driveway. Very clear sky, so it was very visible. On this trajectory, moving up the coast instead of more Easterly, it seemed to move almost directly away from where I'm at. Was also able to see the short burn of the 1st stage slowing down as it returned. This still excites me, maybe even more now than when I was younger.
  12. Area 51 this morning. That was how high Jupiter was in the sky. Orion was just rising over the horizon.
  13. I was up to watch Crew7 launch at 3:45am, but found it was scrubbed till tomorrow before I went out. The sky was clear, so I went to the observatory to look at Jupiter. Seeing was good considering yesterday looked almost hazy, like a little smog in the air. Banding was nice, equatorial bands very good and the rest showing fainter. All four big moons and one star in the mix to the left in the eyepiece. The star could easily pass for another moon it was positioned so perfectly in them.
  14. That you are ready to retire and someone is going to erase all your memories with a neurolizer! Remember to leave yourself some clues in case we need you back!
  15. Well done! That is an incredible image! They say the GRS is slowing diminishing in size. Is it just me or does it appear smaller in this image?
  16. When I think about it, my biggest stumbling block is at the point where nothing goes bang and everything we know is out there now became. Do I believe it possible? Yes. Do I believe it happened? Oh yeah! There is still too much we don't understand. Seeing how hard we try to find the answer, I ask myself, do we really want to? Or better yet, should we? One of the most incredible steps in the progress of humans, was when we learned to split the atom, creating unbelievable power. I might not have it perfect, but Oppenheimer said something along the line of "I am become Shiva, destroyer of worlds!, seeing the atomic test. Do we really want to figure out how to possibly take nothing, and be able to destroy everything?
  17. Yes, still an impressive accomplishment! It will be interesting on what they discover, any if they share the information.
  18. Even if the viewing isn't as perfect as you would like, it's nice to be able to get the scope low on the horizon. With my first observatory I could, but the new one I'm not able to.
  19. I was out for about an hour and a half with my 20x80 binoculars. In the general area Sky Safari shows near Gemini, I could find a faint blue speck, but no tail. I'm not sure if I'm going to claim seeing it yet. Hopefully tomorrow I'll set up a camera to get a long exposure of the area. To use my scope, it will have to come out of area 51.
  20. I agree totally. But, sadly, we are still a "claim it" world. Personally I think EVERYTHING in space should be for the good, or bad of everyone. When the big rock comes, it's not going to matter what continent you live on, or what you look like. The Moon should be looked at just like Antarctica. Or like the ISS. Except that is even verboten to a couple nations.
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