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Posts posted by reezeh

  1. 1 minute ago, Stu said:

    Hi Mark. Just to say this thread is over 14 years old (amazingly!) and Naz hasn’t been on the forum for over four years so you likely won’t get an answer. I hope I’m wrong, but ...

    Anyway, the JKMH sounds like a lovely old scope!



    I think you have just revived it.


    My oldest piece of kit is a pair of Greenkat 12x50 binoculars that I was given by my stepdad in the late 70s / early 80s...

  2. On 02/11/2020 at 16:13, endlessky said:

    When you'll get to the astrophotography part of the hobby, that's when the cash flow (out of your bank account, not in, mind you) will really start to get astronomical... 🤣

    That's why I could never get into that.

    Get camera and computer wouldn't accept it

    Get telescope for astrophotography and blow your budget. 

    Get computer and camera to accept each other and first software update breaks everything.

    Spend a fortune on a working package and three days later it's "obsolete"


    Need I go on? ...

  3. 4 hours ago, keora said:

    Thanks, the telescope I've just bought has some useful instructions, although there's nothing about collimating. I'm sure there'll be something on the Celestron website. I've also seen collimation articles on the net.

    Hi Keora

    I'm not sure if this is your model, but hopefully it has useful or usable info



    I can't seem to home in on it on celestron's site, so I gave you this link as I'm a little short on time right now. 

    I hope it helps

  4. On 26/10/2020 at 18:02, RobertI said:

    I also bought my current 8” SCT from their Tring shop in 1999. The David Hinds name has been around since I started in Astronomy and will be greatly missed. 

    I bought my 8" SCT and 11" SCT from there under the same circumstances. Only a couple of years ago I bought one of my Vixen SLV eyepieces from them too as I recall. So sad to see this happening 😢

  5. Hi postie109

    Telescopes are measured by the size of their lens or mirror, aka "aperture". Usually, bigger the better or at least more capable. 

    For your budget I would consider a three to three and a half inch (75 - 90mm) achromatic refractor. Newtonian reflectors are good but unless you are technically minded are best avoided if you are a real beginner.

    Refractors are almost zero-maintenance and easier to manage for beginners.


    Avoid anything that is advertised as "300X magnification" "SEE TWENTY MILES!" They're probably toys with a high price.

    When you see something that might be what you want, don't be scared to ask on here about it. It could help you land a bargain or avoid a costly mistake.


    Not that ebay IS bad, but you need to know what is and isn't a lemon.

  6. 4 hours ago, banjaxed said:

    They are rechargeable so the batteries don’t need changing. You can also charge your phone and they have a built in light.

    I meant once the batteries get to the end of their useful life and no longer hold a useful charge. A problem with rechargeable batteries.

  7. On 19/10/2020 at 16:37, Tiny Clanger said:

    I'd suggest waiting until  the husband is out, and having a chat with the wife, who sounds far more reasonable and might be able to talk her spouse round.  If he has gone all alpha-male-defend-my-territory, he may find it hard to (as he might see it) back  down to you. His poor wife presumably has learnt how to deal with him .

    Unless he is the wife-beater sort.

  8. On 18/10/2020 at 23:20, Soloula said:

    Hi first post so hope this is in the right board.... My neighbour has just had four big spotlight dusk till dawn lights installed in the eaves of his house. It's like floodlights and I nearly cried when I saw them as the light pollution from them is terrible. They're not budging on switching them off when we're out. Is there anything we can do? Will the council deal with this as light pollution affecting the enjoyment of our property? Can I buy something to sit in/put out to block it out, although they're so high up and cover the full length of their garden that I don't know if this is possible? 

    I was due to get my dad's 6" refractor telescope this year but now it feels like theres no point. Its not exactly portable to jump in the car and take it elsewhere as my lovely neighbour suggested :(My kids will be gutted too. We often sit out with some hot chocolate and binoculars stargazing. 

    Any advice to a newbie would be much appreciated. 

    So sad to see this.

    Options if he's being unreasonable and he isn't deemed to be running a nuisance as in the .gov link are plant some evergreen trees or shrubs like photinia that will grow as a light screen or installing a photocell triggered air raid siren in his garden in the middle of the night with a wasp nest to guard it 😒

    IMHO, these lighting systems don't improve security, because of the "crying wolf" effect of constantly switching on and actually act as burglary assistants by ever-so kindly holding a light for them.

  9. 6 hours ago, Skipper Billy said:

    During a recent check up at the quacks I mentioned to him that I was into astronomy and he said well Mercury is in Uranus, I said NO! that's Astrology!!  He said no, the thermometer has broken.....

    In the last 7 years the winter weather has got noticeably worse here (NW Scottish Highlands) but the summers have got better. Bad for astronomy but great for a seasonal leisure business like mine 😉  It enables me to buy all manner of nice things to not use over the winter!!!

    That joke belongs in my bad jokes thread 😂😂😂

  10. 1 hour ago, banjaxed said:

    If you don’t want the smell then I recommend the USB rechargeable hand warmers. I have poor circulation and these are the most effective and convenient hand warmers I have ever used, in fact I have 2 pairs to make sure I am never without.

    They're the type I don't like unless you can replace the battery easily

  11. 2 minutes ago, DaveL59 said:

    Very neat, I had to go google that to see how it works. The thought of putting something alight in my pocket isn't an idea I'd normally have lol

    It kind of smoulders; actually it's a catalytic reaction. And no, they don't get so hot as to burn if you follow the instructions: particularly putting the thing in the bag to reduce air getting to the things 😉

    • Thanks 1
  12. 1 minute ago, JamesF said:

    Insulated clothing already?!  I'm still wearing shorts and t-shirts most of the day (I have preferred something longer to keep my knees warm in the evening for the last couple of weeks, I admit).  And no, I am not a postie :D


    I'm an ex-postie, indoors though but I almost always am wearing shorts (it's a Post Office tradition,  you know!) But any weapon against the cold is a good thing: after all we hoomans are tropical creatures! 

    • Like 1
  13. On 15/10/2020 at 19:41, Barry-W-Fenner said:

    Time to start thinking about keeping those toes warm 😀



    And if I can make a recommendation to anyone who is wondering as to how to keep warm: I suggest a pocket warmer that runs off lighter fuel, such as by Zippo and Whitby. EBay is a good source of them; they have replaceable burners that last and the fuel is cheap. A few times I've had a warmer run for fifteen hours or more even though the maximum quoted time is 12.

    The only two downsides are that they can smell like a cigarette lighter and because they use combustion they output water as a byproduct.


    If interested, just search for Zippo / Whitby hand or pocket warmers on there.

    The replacement burners are interchangeable so no worries about compatibility 😉

    No, I'm not a seller or dealer; just making a recommendation and suggestion, because I don't believe in ones that are electrically powered and rechargeable as they're probably worse than those that use lighter fluid for the environment and economics. I work outdoors, so I use these things regularly when it gets cold. 

    • Like 1
  14. On 09/08/2020 at 14:21, wookie1965 said:

    This is what I have to contend with only its local council so nothing I can do, I did ask for a shield to be put up and they did this is the result so the shield was a waste of space.




    And may I introduce you to Mr Stove Paint! :D 

    Being honest, that's damned horrendous. Not sure if the introduction is a good idea though, especially if you've complained about it: besides vandalism isn't a good thing.

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