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Nigella Bryant

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Everything posted by Nigella Bryant

  1. Hi all, just some screenshots from today 24th December. Not sure when I'll get around to processing these as it's Christmas Eve and my family may go buzerk if I spend anymore time with imaging the solar activity. A nice solar flare again today from AR3196. Managed Calcium II K and Hydrogen Alpha. Lunt 60mm DS HA and Lunt CaK BF1800
  2. I had one only the day before yesterday. The PIR detected movement in the RoR, thankfully it was 7.50am and not the middle of the night. I've polystyrene glued to the inside of the warm room that had come unstuck and triggered and alarm, lol. Least it works I thought and it wasn't in the middle of the night, lol.
  3. I have PIR detectors in both observatories but it easier to do in an obsy. I've also cameras on both.. Many years ago thieves broke into my RoR and stoll my 12inch meade GPS. Must have had a van. It was while we were away. Now I store everything in the house when I go away and put back in when I'm back.. It was never recovered but thankfully I was insured. On that note, watch house contents insurance sometimes item's need to be specifically mentioned. All my expensive item's are itemised on the insurance.
  4. Hiya, it's just a stack of 40% from 1000 taken on the one day. Usually just 60sec time frame.
  5. I have a cat, she's small but pack's a punch, lol.
  6. Perhaps making a permanent pier and lock the mount to that when in use. I did that many years ago before I had my observatories.
  7. There's certainly a build up in activity of late and lot's of flares. Some interesting magneticly active regions with bi polar sunspots.
  8. Thanks Jeremy, much appreciated. It was a most interesting flare and changed rapidly.
  9. Apologies for the late post. Solar images from the 9th December. Lovely C-class Flare in the South Eastern Quarter. Lunt 60mm DS.
  10. Thanks mog and Mick. Challenging this time of year with the sun at it's lowest point in the sky. Still, day's are now getting longer and the sun higher, lol.
  11. Hi all, just posting solar image's from the 15th December. Lunt 60mm DS.
  12. I should have stayed out longer then, lol. I think santa is bringing some thermal boot's for Christmas, lol.
  13. Just in, I'm absolutely frozen, never seen the inside of my dome freezing up before. I had my heated gloves on, my heated back pad but my feet I could not feel. Jupiter was great, red spot was just coming onto the disk when I went out and Mars although not as good as last night had many features visible. Used 500gb of data, lol.
  14. Great Mars session last night but very, very cold. I look exhausted at 1.45am but the star's were still great. Don't think I've ever seen Mars so clearly.
  15. I would say purely imaging because its at the ultraviolet end of the spectrum. I've heard of people after a cateract op saying they can and some with younger eye's, however. I've looked through the lunt calcium II K filter and all I've seen is a blue/purple disk with no details.
  16. Yeah, I've seen the spots through mist before. Well the larger one's, lol.
  17. There was blue sky everywhere except where the sun was with mist passing over it, quite frustrating again when everywhere else was clear, typical, still it's an observation nonetheless.
  18. Only managed Cak through mist but there was a calcium II k minor C flare from AR3163.
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