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Nigella Bryant

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Everything posted by Nigella Bryant

  1. Well done, I've been chasing clouds, lol but managed to caprute an M1 flare today. Posting screenshots in a mo. Just closing up the solar obsy.
  2. Finally got around to setting up control of the mount, telescope, focuser's and cameras from my warm room. I went the very simple way with computer in the dome, hdmi cable to screen in warm room, Bluetooth extender for mouse and keyboard control from the warm room. My dome is only manual so I'll have to leave the warm room properly twice or three times just to move it around during an imaging session. Only tested during daytime so I'll see how it goes under real night time. I've installed a camera also to keep an eye on the telescope from the warm room, this camera can be turned off remotely too when imaging. 20230107135548418~3.mp4
  3. Mars Jan 2nd, C11 and Zwo 462mc camera and 3x barlow with ADC. Quick process, probably could do a little more tweaking and more images to process from the 2nd Jan 23.
  4. I've got a week of rain forecast but hopefully it'll change as it invariably does.
  5. Yeah, so much activity today, I didn't know what to image with so much to choose from.
  6. Thanks, just in too viewing Jupiter and Mars with a bit of moon thrown in, lol.
  7. First solar session of the year and seems to have gone off with a bang. Some fantastic proms and filaproms so many I counted 20. Activity definetly ramping up into 2023. Screenshots for now and hopefully process tomorrow. Happy New Year.
  8. Yeah Rich, it's been really active and not maximum yet.
  9. Thanks, appreciate your input. I wonder if the double edge is caused by atmospheric seeing.
  10. I'm not going, I'd be tempted to much. I've no control being confronted with lots of shiny new things, lol.
  11. I think in the UK seeing is the issue, only a very few time's are there time's when it's exceptionally good for high resolution planetary imaging. I use a 2.5x powermate for Jupiter and a 3x Barlow for Mars on my C11 with a Zwo camera. Take the image's when the planet is highest in the sky and still use an ADC. I've only just begun myself and still having failure after failure, seeing related. I try to get the highest frame rate possible. 2 mins for Jupiter and 3mins for Mars. Attached is my very best so far this season.
  12. It was out briefly just at the right time between the trees and hills.
  13. I had a Solarquest Mount and was great centering and tracking the sun. However I found cloud's in the UK would disrupt the tracking and was a pain using the little buttons on the mount to recentre. I went to the AZGTI mount and already had a spare hand controller so used that but the AZGTI is WiFi so you can use your phone. I use my old neq6 now as I've triple mounted solar scopes, lol. Beware the solar bug and going over from the dark side, lol. Joking aside, with the UK weather and clouds the Az-GTI. Pics of the Solarquest Mount
  14. Hi, yeah, it's the B1200 and a mono camera. False colour added in photoshop.
  15. Thanks Jeremy, all new learning curve than solar and with a new camera. still a long way to go.
  16. Hi all sorry for the late post, only just got around to processing these from the 15th December. C11 and my new Zwo Asi 462mc camera first light.
  17. Good discussion, nice and friendly too. We all have our preferences and constraints of income, well most, lol. I'm dreaming of an automated dome, oh goodness, do I start a controversial question over domes v RoR, lol. How many is to many, lol. How big does one go? Does an all sky camera count as an observatory, lol.
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