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Nigella Bryant

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Everything posted by Nigella Bryant

  1. Hi all, probably my day today for a week as the forecast isn't great. At least I can catch up on the data processing over the last several days. Activity today was less than yesterday but AR3190 still putting up a good show. Taster screenshots attached.
  2. I'm still fortunate enough to live in a bortle 4 area and I'm on the edge of that, probably 3.5. I have two led light's on the road but the council kindly blanked off the light towards my garden so it's pitch black and can't see where I'm walking, lol. There is outline planning for 300 house's to the east of me so not sure what that will mean for the future but I'm hoping because it's on the other side of the hill near the tesco it'll not be to bad. Tesco light's I'm not affected by and the east has a little more glow. I don't usually point my scopes that way, lol. It's not going to get any better unfortunately.
  3. Thanks Mog3768, much appreciated, think the timing was just right. Quickly disappeared in a couple of hours. That's what I love about solar observing, each day is different and sometimes very surprising.
  4. I know Sunshine, I would hazard a guess it's several earth diameters long.
  5. Great captures, a continuum filter would help. I alway's use one with WL.
  6. I had a nice session yesterday and well when I turned the scopes towards the sun today and started with Calcium II K and my first thought was WOW. A huge prominence on both the NE quadrant and SW quadrant. The SW quadrant prom was the biggest I've seen since observing the sun. it showed up in Calcium II K but not visible in HA. It was blown away by the solar wind within the two hour observing window I did. The second largest one on the NE quadrant remained visible in both Calcium II K and HA. Also there was some nice flaring in AR3190 a C5.2 Anyway, I'm just collecting data at the mo over these past few days and hopefully get to process the images from the last few sessions soon. Screenshots to show the solar activity today.
  7. Lovely capture malp, well done.
  8. Excelent captures Steve, well done. I'm getting very excited about this solar maximun ramping up. Maasive prom in Callcium II K today 20th.
  9. Thanks Mog3768, much appreciated. Hope to do some processing tomorrow and over the weekend.
  10. Hi all again, managed a full session yesterday but only a very brief session today with fast moving clouds. Screenshots for tasters, lol. I've got about 500gb of data to sift through so may be a while posting the processed images. Slight flaring in AR3191 yesterday and today.
  11. Great captures, granulation coming through too.
  12. Brilliant Peter, just a little flare but nice to observe nonetheless.
  13. Yes, predictions are for a very active solar max.
  14. Hi all, some beautiful activity today including a small flare. My solar window has gone from 2hrs to 2.5 hrs increasing the possiblity of actually imaging the activity as the days grows longer and hopefully clearer, lol. Screenshots for now, processing hopefully this week.
  15. Amazing activity now, building up to solar max 2024/25. It can only get better, lol.
  16. December 2022, back garden somewhere in the south west of England, lol. C11 and Zwo Asi 462MC, lol.
  17. Already said I've more cameras than eyepieces, lol, but then it's only five. Two mono for solar, two colour for night's and one for guiding. All used depending on day or night observing.
  18. Hi Steve, sorry I'm only just getting back to you been out all day. Its the long focal length version f9.45. I use a 0.5 redecer for full disk with the lunt cak b1800 module. Hope that helps.
  19. Another stalwart of SGL paases into the stars. Sincerest condolanaces to the family. He will be sorly missed. R.I.P John.
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