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Everything posted by mardok

  1. I tried the dwarf with the moon the other night. I have done better with my DSLR, but it taught me more about stacking. I think I see a way to use my DSLR for the imaging and then stack it, even tough my DOB does not track. The process will definitely be harder, but I think I can get a better result.
  2. Here are 2 of my recent ones taken with my Dwarf, and processed with Siril. I always do 15 second exposures, at Gain 40.
  3. Anyone else playing with a Dwarf 2? I just started processing my images from summer 2023. Here is my first try at Andromeda. Gain 40, About 500 15 second exposures, in a bortal 5. Processed in Siril, and photoshop.
  4. I still need to watch that. I keep thinking I should just make a app that has the features and targets that I want but its summer and am crazy busy. Maybe this winter. Pretty sure Dwarflab started as a few hardware guys that had an idea, and no business or advertising sense. Made the hardware, and are attempting to figure out the software, and business side as they go.
  5. Finished processing M8 the Lagoon Nebula from the other night with my Dwarf 2. Gain 80, 300 - 15 second exposures.
  6. Probably should not charge it on the edge of the desk though.
  7. Yes, just use a plain old USB-C.
  8. I bought one in January. I got it in April. The technology is still pretty new, the ios interface has a lot to be desired, but they keep making improvements. My wife likes that it is much smaller than lugging my 10" dob around. The go to is great, but so far there is not many targets in its database. And pointing it without the go to is cumbersome. The in camera stacking is pretty cool, and I have gotten the best images I have ever done with it. My other scope is a 10" dob without tracking. That being said, the images are cool, but not stunning like you see from more expensive rigs. I would say get one if you are not planning to get a serious rig. Or if you need a gateway drug to encourage you to get a better rig. It is fun, and a great price for what it does. I would say its more of an astrophotography toy than a tool. It can do better than anything without tracking. And it makes it easy to do so. But almost anything with tracking will give you a better image.
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