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Calvin Klein

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Everything posted by Calvin Klein

  1. I will be extremely keen to see your analysis results. I was very excited about this scope and 0.6 reducer having just read every post and review I could - until I saw this. I was thinking of using this combination with a 2600MM/EFW and Antlia Pr LRGB filters but am very concerned now with the performance of the blue channel. As you say, all testing so far is with OSC.
  2. Hi. I'm a new EQ6-R owner, having graduated from a Skywatcher Star Adventurer. I have a couple of questions regarding the polarscope. I live under quite dark skies - tonight I can make out the 4 stars of the Octans asterism. However I can barely see anything through the polarscope even though I have the DEC axis rotated correctly and can see through the shaft hole. There's nowhere near enough star brighness to do any sort of visual polar alignment. Am I missing something ? Am I supposed to pull out the whole DEC head to see past the shaft ? The Star Adventurer was MUCH clearer and allowed me to get very accurate polar alignment. Thanks, Kelvin
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