I know this topic is old, but I thought I'd continue as it's one of the only few threads similar to mine.
My serial adaptor is COM5. All working fine.
When I get to the properties, there is no COM5. I have a Synscan AZ, and the handset is broken. So I am going direct. I have also downloaded the Skywatcher driver, which I am told is for my mount.
When I add COM5 to the 'force' option, it still doesn't appear. The logs say:
19:56:05.799 Init Driver Version 6.0.6262.14792
19:56:05.830 GetId Generated new ID: 1
19:56:05.830 Telescope Instance ID: 1, new: Driver ID: ASCOM.SkyWatcher.Telescope
19:56:05.862 Set Connected Set Connected 1 to: True, AlreadyConnected: False
19:56:05.909 ConnectSerial unexpected serial exception System.ArgumentException: The PortName cannot be empty.
Parameter name: PortName
at ASCOM.Utilities.Serial.set_Connected(Boolean Connecting) in C:\ASCOM Build\Export\ASCOM.Utilities\ASCOM.Utilities\Serial.vb:line 520
at ASCOM.SkyWatcher.Serial.set_Connected(Boolean value)
at ASCOM.SkyWatcher.Serial.ConnectSerial()
19:56:05.924 DisconnectSerial force True
19:56:05.924 DisconnectSerial finished
19:56:05.924 Connected set True, id 1, error System.ArgumentException: The PortName cannot be empty.
Parameter name: PortName
at ASCOM.Utilities.Serial.set_Connected(Boolean Connecting) in C:\ASCOM Build\Export\ASCOM.Utilities\ASCOM.Utilities\Serial.vb:line 520
at ASCOM.SkyWatcher.Serial.set_Connected(Boolean value)
at ASCOM.SkyWatcher.Serial.ConnectSerial()
at ASCOM.SkyWatcher.Serial.SetConnected(Int64 id, Boolean value)
at ASCOM.SkyWatcher.Telescope.set_Connected(Boolean value)
19:56:07.900 Set Connected Set Connected 1 to: False, Successfully removed: False
19:56:07.900 DisconnectSerial force False
19:56:07.900 DisconnectSerial serial Disconnect error System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
at ASCOM.SkyWatcher.Serial.DisconnectSerial(Boolean force)
19:56:07.900 Connected set False, id 1, error System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
at ASCOM.SkyWatcher.Serial.DisconnectSerial(Boolean force)
at ASCOM.SkyWatcher.Serial.SetConnected(Int64 id, Boolean value)
at ASCOM.SkyWatcher.Telescope.set_Connected(Boolean value)
19:56:10.576 Set Connected Set Connected 1 to: False, Successfully removed: False
19:56:10.576 DisconnectSerial force False
19:56:10.576 DisconnectSerial serial Disconnect error System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
at ASCOM.SkyWatcher.Serial.DisconnectSerial(Boolean force)
19:56:10.576 Connected set False, id 1, error System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
at ASCOM.SkyWatcher.Serial.DisconnectSerial(Boolean force)
at ASCOM.SkyWatcher.Serial.SetConnected(Int64 id, Boolean value)
at ASCOM.SkyWatcher.Telescope.set_Connected(Boolean value)
20:05:18.439 GetId Generated new ID: 2
20:05:18.439 Telescope Instance ID: 2, new: Driver ID: ASCOM.SkyWatcher.Telescope
20:05:20.549 IdentifySynScan Port COM5 - found nothing
I checks COM5, but doesn't offer it on the drop down list.
I have wired my own RS232
RX-Pin2 TX-Pin3 Signal Gnd-Pin 5
Why can't the programme at least detect that COM5 is there? if there's an issue, it should at least say: Yes, it's there, but there's something wrong...
Any ideas?