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Geoff Barnes

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Posts posted by Geoff Barnes

  1. 13 minutes ago, Barry-W-Fenner said:

    Hopefully there will be some that I can use reasonably well in the short term until I start looking and asking for advise on here for a more specific set of eye pieces tailored for the 300p i will certainly have a look at the badeer line alone with other higher end brands.

    I have the same scope Barry (with goto) and unless money is no object to you I think you won't do better than the Baader Morpheus EP's, high end quality at a very reasonable price. :) 

    • Thanks 1
  2. Solid tube or flex tube Barry? 

    Either way a great scope that will impress you with everything you view, particularly Jupiter and Saturn later in the year, but also DSO's if your skies are dark enough. If it is flex tube I highly recommend you get the Astrozap light shroud which collapses down with the scope so can stay on permanently. :) 

  3. 10 hours ago, Barry-W-Fenner said:

    Thanks STA.

    lovely looking scope that one but I don't really fancy the goto aspect. I would much prefer the standard setup. Appreciate the heads up





    Bear in mind Barry that you don't have to use the goto function, you can release the clutches and use it as a normal manual scope if you want to. Only drawback is the goto scope is heavier.

    • Like 1
  4. 2 hours ago, John said:

    I've really got to try a Morpheus sometime

    I'd be happy to send you my 6.5mm Morpheus for a trial @John although postage might be an issue.

    Surely someone on SGL nearer home could oblige?

    In my 12 inch SW Dob it is simply stunning! :) 

  5. I'm very envious @John, Having purchased my Vixen SLV 2.5mm back in February (specifically to try and see the Vallis Alpes central rille and Plato craterlets), I still haven't had a clear night at the right lunar phase. I got very close a couple of nights ago but it was just one day too early. What I did manage to see though at an astonishing 600x blew me away! It really felt as if I was about to touch down on the lunar surface with incredible detail visible in rock steady seeing. It was the first time I have been able to clearly see individual mountain peaks rising above the smooth curve of the outer lunar disc. I'm really hungry now for a clear chance to see those tantalising details this month, given good seeing I think it will definitely be achievable! Fingers cossed!  

    • Like 2
  6. If I may join in the fun, I had a rare evening of clear skies recently and had a go at finding a new target for me, NGC 3918 The Blue Planetary Nebula in Centaurus. I had tried once before with my Synscan GoTo but without success, but after studying the sky chart on StarWalk 2 (it isn't listed on my basic SkySafari app for some reason) I felt confident of finding it just above Crux. Using the !2 inch Dob manually I centred the finderscope in the required area and with the Baader zoom on 24mm could see what appeared to be a pale blue star, but it was bigger, more like Neptune but fuzzy. Changing to 8mm it was an obvious small round disc, pale bluish grey and about the size of Mars. Even with the Morpheus 6.5mm no other details visible but a pretty thing nonetheless and I always get a bit of a buzz out of seeing a new target. :) 

    • Like 3
  7. 2 hours ago, Jennifere20 said:

    Yes it was. But for some reason I found it in my finding scope then it wasn’t in my telescope? 

    Sounds pretty certain that you still haven't got your finderscope aligned with the telescope.

    First priority is to get your target in the centre of your view through your telescooe eyepiece and  then centre it in the finderscooe with the adjusting screws. Once that is done you should be able to find everything especially with a 20mm or 25mm eyepiece.

    Good luck Jennifer!  :)

    • Like 3
  8. I've just had a look at Izar on SkySafari and it won't be in good position for me until August. That's okay, nice dark winter skies then and Izar will be at its highest altitude at about 25 degrees above our northern horizon , so I'm fairly confident of splitting it with the 12 inch Dob so long as I can get a clear sky! :)

    • Like 1
  9. 16 minutes ago, mikeyjm26 said:

    Thanks for the replies. What I find confusing is that you have telescopes for specific purposes. How much of a difference is there in what you can view when looking at planet from a telescope that is designed for it and one not, also when looking at nebula. Can the one that is able to view DSO not focus as well on say the moon or any other planet?

    Thanks for any comments, really appreciated.

    Hi Mikey, no difference in focus on anything you look at up there, it is all basically on infinity.

    So once you are sharply focussed on one object everything else will be too, no matter what telescope you are using.

    • Like 1
  10. I've just taken my 4mm SLV apart and held each half up to the standard lamp on my desk (it's night time here) and saw no shiny reflections at all.

    I shall make a point of using the 4mm and my new 2.4mm SLV's next time I'm out with the Dob on the moon or Sirius and see what happens. Haven't had a clear night for weeks here, winter has set in very early again this year. :( 


    • Like 1
  11. 16 minutes ago, John said:

    This thread makes me want to have another go with BV's but this will be the 4th or 5th try. I'm in 2 minds to be honest :undecided:

    Just to prove that I have really tried

    I'm of the mind that you really know pretty quickly when using astro equipment whether you like it or not. I remember when I bought my TV 3-6mm zoom that I just couldn't get on with it. The fairly small eye lens and relatively short eye relief were not to my liking even though the quality of the views were without fault, it just didn't feel comfortable to use.

    A bit like trying on a new pair of shoes or trousers, you know pretty quickly if you like them or not, even if they are good quality, if they don't feel good they are not for you.  :) 

    • Like 2
  12. Welcome aboard @Karen Bexley

    I'm Southampton born and bred so the New Forest is second home to me. I plan/hope to be back there in the not too distant future.

    Everyone on here is just so nice I feel like giving them all virtual hugs through my laptop! :) 

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