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Everything posted by michael.h.f.wilkinson

  1. Solar data grabbed before work, processing on auto-pilot now

    1. David Smith

      David Smith

      Nice. Weather needs a personality transplant over here.

    2. michael.h.f.wilkinson


      Not that brilliant here either, but managed to grab the brief clear spell

  2. Me neither, but buying it in Japan would make it 770 euro or so (536 GBP) for TWO focal lengths. That is not such a bad deal
  3. My only worry is the eye relief: 16mm is right on the borderline of what is useful to me with my glasses. If it turns out they are "optimistic" in their specs (not that I would expect that from Nikon) by as much as 1mm, they would not really work for me.
  4. Some solar H-alpha data cooking

  5. Great collection. The NAV-HW have a great reputation. I almost bought a NAV-HW when I was in Japan in 2012. When later I saw the difference with European pricing I kicked myself
  6. SUNSHINE!!!!

    1. Pig


      I saw a glimpse earlier Michael but it soon disappeared.

  7. Some seriously droolworthy cases there. I am going to get some new foam shortly to reorganize some stuff. Will show the results when I get it done.
  8. Caught some more sunlight this morning

    1. Luke


      Look forward to seeing the fruits of your labour. Manage a bit of Quark tuning testing at last here though thin cloud may have hampered results! I think I can conclude from the image on the lappy screen that two clicks clockwise is off band by some way. Funny, every other Quark I have had - and Sarah's - seems to like 2 clicks clockwise or more.

  9. Got some solar H-alpha data cooking away

    1. Pig


      Don't forget to share the meal :-)

    2. michael.h.f.wilkinson
    3. Luke


      Lucky you getting some action yesterday! My chance has come this morning, Sol ain't looking bad, the AR was stunning!

  10. Nice set there. The empty space must be filled, of course. The old concept of "horror vacui" in physics still holds true for EP cases
  11. Oh, only two thirds of the orbital period of Neptune. That's nothing in astronomy
  12. Guess what? Number 14 caught through a gap in the clouds

    1. Luke


      Well done, Michael! Look forward to seeing it.

    2. Gutross


      cant wait to see the final product!

    3. sooot


      show off :D

  13. Whoever said 13 was an unlucky number?

    1. Luke


      The same guy that sang two out of three ain't bad? Steady seeing here but transparency was not the best. Still, clear is clear! :)

    2. Luke


      Silly me, I am 2 out of 4. Hmmm! Anyway, congrats, Michael, can you get a whole rotation?!!

  14. Guess what's cooking: mosaic 12!!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Purplehayze104


      That's coz its all blown over here

    3. David Smith

      David Smith

      Congrats. My run ended on 12 as today was cloudy at both ends of the day.

    4. Luke


      Well done, David, great score! My fingers are crossed for this morning, Sol looks beautiful in white light on SDO.

  15. Mosaic #11 processing at the moment

    1. Luke


      Well done, Michael. I have failed in my quest to beat your tally, but can console myself with a view of your fine mosaic when it is cooked.

  16. Data for mosaic number 10 captured this morning!!

    1. Luke


      Ten here too Michael. I was hoping to beat you!! :D But heavy rain forecast before, during and after my diddy little imaging hour tomorrow! Good luck for turning it up to Eleven!

    2. michael.h.f.wilkinson


      Cheers Luke. Fingers crossed for good weather. Hope you get a chance

    3. Luke


      No luck for my slot, Michael, all out for Ten in the pouring rain! Hope to see your Mosaic Eleven!

  17. Animation processing in progress

  18. Mosaic number nine is being processed now

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