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Everything posted by michael.h.f.wilkinson

  1. I think I might check out the 14mm NAV-SW if I want to replace the 14mm Morpheus (which was not quite sharp at the edge at F/6)
  2. All the eyepieces you need? I thought that was a contradiction in terms. Nice case, even nicer contents
  3. I am no DSO imager, but I do now something of optics. My physics intuition would be that a slight tilt would result in a band of sharpness across the image, at right angles to the "slope". It almost looks like the optics have some cylindrical distortion, caused by some lack of collimation, perhaps.
  4. Stick the Nagler 31T5 in a Powermate, and you will understand why I call it the "Panzerfaust"
  5. I still have my Naglers, and they are only going to be replaced by something WIDER (Nikon NAV HW, or ES 92°)
  6. I gather coating was invented by Zeiss around 1935. As it was considered a military secret, binoculars for sale in the 1930s will not have sported these coatings
  7. That is close to my ultra-lightweight travel set: MV 68deg 24mm for wide field, WO Zoom-II 7.5-22.5mm and Vixen SLV 5mm.. Bit more expensive, though
  8. Done some rejigging what with the arrival of two big hitters: the Pentax XW5 and the Baader Morpheus 14mm. Still the same case, still with some dangerous empty space. The contents are now: Vixen LVW 42mm, Nagler 31T5, Nagler 22T4, Nagler 17T4, Morpheus 14mm, Nagler 12T4, Pentax XW10, Delos 8mm, Pentax XW7, MaxVision 24mm 68° (to be moved to travel set), Pentax XW5 To the right are two filters (moon and H-beta), an Orion Amici prism (2"), and a Denkmeier Filter-Switch diagonal.
  9. My current collection, with the older bins my sons may use to the right. On the left we have the Helios Apollo 15x70 HD, the Vixen New Foresta 10x56WP, and the little Lunt 8x32 SUNoculars. On the left the TS 15x70 (BA-1), Yashica-built Combi-foto 7x50 and my old Bresser 10x50.
  10. Some H-alpha solar data cooking away

  11. Just spotted the kingfisher in our garden again

  12. Will be giving a talk on solar imaging this afternoon

    1. Pig


      How did the talk go Michael ?

    2. RichM63


      I would've liked to listen to that.

  13. Lovely case Shaun. I should be getting a 5mm XW to add to my XW7 and XW10 shortly. Gorgeous EPs. Can't really make a case for getting a 14mm and a 20mm, let alone a 3.5mm (yet )
  14. Haven't visited in a while. Some really great scopes here. I might be getting a 4" F/6.5 achromat some time soon, to make EVEN bigger solar H-alpha mosaics
  15. Bought an XW5 to go with the XW7 and XW10!

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. michael.h.f.wilkinson
    3. John


      Excellent choice Michael !

      The XW's are superb eyepieces. Steve (FLO) advised me to try them many years back but it was a while until I actually did. Hats off to RikM for going for a set way back when they were not so widely recognised. The XW5 is my favourite eyepiece for the Moon and planets - it's a pleasure to view though !

    4. Demonperformer


      They are, indeed, lovely eyepieces. I had the 5, 7, 10 & 14, but when no longer able to travel away from my LP sold the 5, 7 & 10 as very little visual being done. They deserve to be well-used. Enjoy the new one, Michael.

  16. Glad you got your first light with the scope! Completely grey here, alas
  17. Looks great on the mount. You can always make a dew shield out of a camping mattress.
  18. Impressive looking scope. Hope looking through it gives as much satisfaction as looking at it
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