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Larry V

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Posts posted by Larry V

  1. This is one of my first images of Jupiter, and an overall first attempt at astrophotograhy.  I believe that is Io's shadow being cast in the northern hemisphere of the planet (up is south and down is north).  I used the following equipment to create my image:

    Celestron Edge HD 11" SCT

    Baader Click-Lock Star Diagonal & Visual Back

    Canon T5i DSLR (Gary Honis Full-Spectrum Modification)

    Best of 700 images - Stacked in Registax / Wavelet Filter Applied


    My image was taken on June 10, 2017  If you have any questions or suggestions, please let me know.  I am eager to improve my skills, in this exciting and rewarding hobby! 


    Thank you in advance.




    6_10_2017 Jupiter x5 Filter_Tv120s_800iso.png

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