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  1. Hi Dave, thanks for the tip, I'll be sure to sign off properly in future, but as it wasn't directed at anyone in particular my brain left it off . I've never been a fan of standing on a box and shouting hello world, especially as I've used my Oculus Rift name for my handle here, which on here is possibly a little cheeky to those who have not yet had the (mis/) fortune of my digital company. I just came on and used the excellent app (i've been using the IOS one) through the web link. No clear skies for me until Friday. Sadly the ISS will be blocked by the house on its passes then, so she escapes me once again, drat. have you taken any satalite shots recently? Ive got to collect some photos of satalites and hopefully shoot some video of the ISS, as I've had many comments on a video posted to a YouTube video of mine, assuring me that these things are a figment of NASA's lies, so naturally i'm going to respond with some proof for them to ignore or label CGI ha. clear skies, Adam
  2. I've just joined, so I assume I won't be able to post any images in time, but this looks epic, I can't wait to take a look at the entries. Ive wanted to have a go at the ISS for ages and seeing this gave me a nice excuse to have a go... fingers crossed for some clear skies this week
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