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Everything posted by dtastro

  1. Top block on and second coat of paint. Should be ready to put the mount on soon. Just need to infill the bottom when the paint is dry. What do you reckon...pebbles...or soil? Checked level...it's a tiny amount out either way...not bad. EQ mount so not a concern.
  2. Trust me that block isn't moving anywhere...it's rock solid...I'm more likely to bounce off it 🙂 There's 70kg of concrete in that hole.
  3. Concrete added. Ended up putting 3 bags in and there was still loads of water. Had to rush to Wickes and get a couple more bags. When I got back the water had gone and the concrete had levelled out, but it was very soft so I added half a bag more and wet it. Hopefully it will all dry ok. Will leave it to dry a couple of days before putting the other block on.
  4. This was the easier option for me and if need be I can remove the blocks. I'm only putting an EQ6 on it for visual.
  5. Well i've made good progress today. Block is in the hole and levelled up with another block on top. Stud hold them together with lock nuts on top and bottom. Tent pegs on the bottom of the hollows to help keep rigid. Ready to mix the concrete when it's cooler. Even got the obligatory diy pier injury for my efforts 🙂
  6. The concrete block will be in contact with the ground and so will the concrete mix. I'm pretty sure it will be sound. I'v seen people glueing blocks to paving stones with success so I'm sure this will be fine. My equipment isn't that heavy really.
  7. 40cm square and I'm going to concrete a hollow concrete block in the hole with bolts already installed.
  8. At last some clear sky and I've marked out a point where my pier is going to go. It's situated for next door's shed to block out an annoying street light, another neighbours tree blocks out some bedroom windows. That leaves me with a good view of Polaris for setting up, a gap between the trees in the east, a fairly clear south and west above my rooftop, plus everything up above. I may need to put a screen up on one fence panel to block out the neighbour's security light. Sorted 🙂 Now I need to start digging the hole and getting the stud cut to size.
  9. Top is off the tripod ready to go on the pier when it's concreted in.
  10. Holes drilled...I know at least 3 of them line up...the 4th may go in with some persuasion 🙂 Only just managed to drill the 5mm guide holes before the bit wore out. Also be warned after drilling with the 10mm bit the bolts and stud wouldn't go through...I had to pop out and get a 12mm bit 1st coat of masonry paint on...the 2nd can go on when it's in place. I went with white 🙂
  11. Having to keep cost down...should be fine being bolted also.
  12. Haven't done any astronomy yet despite buying two telescopes, as I suffered from a back problem all last year. I've decided to make things easier for myself and build a diy pier in the garden. Thought I would keep a visual diary of my diy pier as it's coming together. Having to dry the concrete blocks before painting...they've been sitting out in all the rain we've had lately, meanwhile I'm gathering all the other parts I need. Now what colour should I paint them...sandstone, white, or grey 🤔
  13. What glue...link doesn't go anywhere?
  14. Do you keep the mount on after setting it all up. If so what do you use to keep it weatherproof when not in use? Just started buying all the bits to start mine.
  15. Just bought a the Synscan Wifi Adaptor for mine so have to try that out when the weathers is better. One less cable to trip over. Hoping to control it from my Android phone.
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