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Posts posted by VisualBod

  1. 4 minutes ago, Ben the Ignorant said:

    Finally, don't limit yourself to the Messier list. Messier never scanned the sky to find all the faint fuzzies and clusters, he just stumbled upon a few while following comets. The Herschel list, on the other hand, is the result of a true systematic scan, and has four times as many possible targets. That's why good pocket star atlases are never limited to the Messier iist.


    I was hoping to progress beyond the Messier list, but I've often thought that many of the other lists only really work if you have a 16" dob and are observing from the middle of the Arizona desert :) But, only one way to find out I suppose ...

    Has anybody seen NGC 253 (the Sculptor Galaxy) from the UK with a small refractor? If so, what aperture? I'm curently thinking that 253 might be a good test of a small refractor's performance. I am of course lusting for a 100mm rather than an 80mm. Small aperture fever already!

  2. Thanks for the advice chaps. I'm still inclining towards a spotting 'scope as I like the idea of "right way up" - it makes it easier to compare the view with bins, especially when planning starhops. And I can use a spotter during the day for a bit of light birding :)

    Any thoughts as to whether a 100mm will buy me much in the way of light-gathering capacity, in real life terms, over an 80mm refractor? I found one site that suggests the gain might be just 0.1 magnitudes (10% gain, roughly) rather than the half a mag or more that one might expect from the increase in surface area. Oh to have both to experiment with!

  3. After many years of digital "observing" I'm now yearning for a simpler life.

    I have a pair of 50mm bins and I'll certainly be using those to see how much of the Messier list I can see (I imagine most of the Virgo galaxies will be invisible), btu I also fancy a "big" spotting scope to give me a bit more light-gathering power, and also some magnification for the Moon and planets. I'm thinking spotting 'scope rather than small astronomical refractor just for the sheer ease of use - pop it on a tripod and walk out of the door and start observing (while waiting for full dark adaptation of course).

    I'm currently pondering a Celestrong Regal M2 100ED spotting 'scope. I've never looked through one, but I read good things about them. Hopefully I could do most of the Messier list, and more, with something like this, from a reasonable site.

    Anybody had experience of this 'scope (or its smaller brothers)?



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