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Alan White

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Everything posted by Alan White

  1. Now that takes Observatory finishing to a new league, wonderful garden feature. Your whole project is so well executed and with such careful craftsmanship.
  2. Is that because your 60mm centric? 🤣 But I can see why you would have such a sentiment, it is a cute sized scope.
  3. Looks great and as always with these projects, final tweaks as you go and learn.
  4. A certain Lunar Atlas, held off for a while but then was told to get something in for Fathers Day, so I did. Very nice indeed, but now removed from me until it can be presented back.
  5. Virtually next door then, in large teritory terms.
  6. Great find, super effort and what a really good ending. I hope the new owners truly enjoy it to full potential.
  7. Is the Planet unstable and needing this modification or is this for higher loading or longer scopes?
  8. Nice collection of fine Refractors @Stu, in fact, wow what a collection, just how many clear and stable nights do you get in Somerset?? As to @MalcolmM, I would love to see one in the flesh.....will no doubt translate into look at what the Postman just delivered! I will watch your 'unknown as yet' quest flourish.
  9. However the site started, I am most grateful that it was, thank you @FLO for making that possible. The site has helped me grow in knowledge and as others have said make friends and indeed meet some of you. I am truly thankful for the site being started and for all of you dear fellow SGLers for sharing our fine hobby between us. Astronomy is not such a solo persuit with SGL.
  10. Or have both and enjoy the good points of both. Neither choice is right or wrong.
  11. Nice to see things repairable and with parts available, As you say activity is high so should look good, but also great timing as well.
  12. Does the MFI controller always have a bit missing like it’s flat pack name sake? 😂 Sorry, I could not help myself
  13. Phew Glad you could put your name to the petition.
  14. Depends on how you fair in Carbon Dioxide atmosphere and very high Atmospheric Pressure, oh and the acid also does not dissolve you or your kit.
  15. It always makes me laugh, we bemoan Cloud all the time, Then we go seek cloud on another Planet!
  16. Victor Meldrew, the Astronomer formerly known as @F15Rules, that has a certain ring to it. I have to say it made me chuckle and nod along, oh my, I must be a Visual Observer too and of a certain age bracket.
  17. This has been on a thread before and shared by others, I know I did. So sad that the signature count is still so low, perhaps shows how society as a whole does not get it about light trespass
  18. Oh yes a new EM200 would be very nice indeed, like you the price they require is not equal to my means at present, you can but dream of course. Meanwhile the GP would benefit an RA drive, watch this space.
  19. Newtonian always have work in progress in my experience, problem is folks expect an awful lot for very little payment. The market has driven what we get sold after all. The old line of Buy cheap, Buy twice applies here.
  20. Is the gifted drive the same control box or the black faced one @mikeDnight?
  21. Thread resus, ok its only 3+ years old, so still fair to restart it, honest. What was the solution you found @mikeDnight? and those using the Bresser unit, how has that lasted? @dweller25 I ask as I have taken to my GP again but wish for a RA drive, the SW unit as Mike mentions above did feature on my old GP2, but the quality was poor.
  22. He has eaten your wig as well Mike 😉
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