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Alan White

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Everything posted by Alan White

  1. He is making a quad scope obviously, just two more to find now….
  2. So who will fess up to being the FS128 buyer one wonders?
  3. I had a feeling that might be the case, I had seen a kit list change somewhere else, the LVWs are a surprise though.
  4. I am sitting carefully in anticipation of the reveal yet to come...... Best guess is Dave has launched a Cube Sat Mini Hubble via Space X!
  5. What a super website, does you and your society proud.
  6. Sounds like many of us, me included, are falling apart. Pondering my future way of doing things with 5 ruined discs and a curved spine, not allowing for my two messed up knees. But having read this thread, it’s clearly a case of finding what works for me, so cheered me up no end.
  7. Sorry to see that no one answered you now long standing question, If this is the heritage scope, then I think the often tape fix is it, the plastic on which it forms part of the top of the scope is not big or strong enough to do anything else……unless of course someone has found a fix and stayed very quiet about it.
  8. To be honest it’s a marmite thing with undercuts. Each of us have had differing experiences with them, the older shallower tv ones gave me little issue, the improved ones that feel deeper and have ab angle on one side, snag. When asked in what diagonal that was, simple, the TV one I had at the time!
  9. I love to watch ISS passes with my manual scopes, how you manage to image it and with great success is outside my present skill set. Wonderful images and so very well done.
  10. Thank you @JeremyS for showing me this rare book. I am now going to keep looking for one, you never know your luck.
  11. I have followed this little ones flights and news with interest from the start. To have done as much as it has is far more than the test flights it was due. An over achiever is in fact an understatement.
  12. Yes and my bug bear of undercuts has a question within the survey. Interesting that a notable group dont like them and comment more fully than any other group. I do hope the message has settled in Nagler family ears. 3) Having safety undercuts in the eyepiece barrel? Our chrome plated 2″ and 1.25″eyepiece barrels include safety undercuts. It turns out only a trivial percentage of respondents had “No Opinion” on the utility of safety undercuts. This left the results evenly split into two camps: the “Very important” and “Somewhat important” respondents versus the “Not Important.” The “Very important” and “Somewhat important” camp has a slim 0.4% lead – but we’ll call it a tie. The “Not Important” group though was distinguished by submitting many more comments on the subject.
  13. Nigella, I fully understand, but how would you feel if the snow had melted and made all the new kit wet through? Always a positive outcome 😉
  14. Postie has been with a little bundle of joy this morning. Adding to my slowly returning and growing DeLite collection, thanks to @Stridor for this one. and sat with its friends in my Oklop eyepiece bag, that I highly recommend for flexibility and price. and yesterday a little gift from my friend up north to put my Vixen Porta and tripod in
  15. Yes, on my observing area each time I observe. If you wish to see things go wrong, ham fisted workings etc. then it's the Exemplary showing of Impractical Astronomy! 🤣
  16. This is the Practical Astronomy Show, that has moved venue from Kettering. This is not the IAS that is run by another team and has also moved venue. Both are fine shows and in reality a shame they are both now close in location, the geographic locations in the past influenced some. The PAS was attended by a group from SGL last year, we met up, talked Astronomy and twaddle and encouraged one another to buy things.
  17. That made me hobble to the book case and take a look (dodgy back at the mo). Oh yes, what a strange observation he made, curious now. The books were all curiosity and my Luddite wanting books not displays to look at.
  18. Drooling, not temped etc. come on folks let's be honest. Unless our funds are drained or we are restrained by others at these things, temptation of a new 'thing' always gets us!
  19. Postie or in fact DPD has been from @FLO and I have a third Oklop bag. Also tucked in was little old Tak TOE 4mm, that I don’t know I have yet as it’s a surprise present for me? So being a surprise I have not opened it yet 😉 Not that I can use it at the minute as I have done my back in and finding moving a touch of a challenge.
  20. https://practicalastroshow.com/ For clarification it’s at Stoneleigh, the Kettering site closed down.
  21. Indeed it now is, the date set last year for this was the 9th and then changed. The venue also moved. Unfortunate that I posted the date and location last year before the change was made. I have asked the mods to alter the title 😀
  22. Postie called yesterday with a package of joy, lots of happy reading ahead. OK the Nortons was a curiosity for me to see what I had missed.
  23. Interesting and pleasing that it is not me touched by this fine read and the Astronomer behind the pen and telescope. I have since looked about and found what I believe was his last book, that looks to have been a deliberate legacy.
  24. Jeremy, the main thing variable at the moment is clear skies 🤪 I do ponder variables, but that feels scientific to me…. And as a true Luddite I am torn, but as I am unlikely to discover my own Comet from my light pollution, then perhaps variable may be a sensible option after all.
  25. It is always saddening to read of people’s passing. David was a very well known figure in our little world and his absence will be felt, however his creations will live on.
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