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Alan White

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Posts posted by Alan White

  1. Welcome to the Forum and your thorough introduction.
    I hope your initial view remains that we are not a bragging or argumentative lot here on SGL.
    That patio and pool looks just wonderful, bet the night view is good, light pollution or not.


    • Like 1
  2. 17 hours ago, TiffsAndAstro said:

    Not via post, had to search high and low in B&M for this premium electronics protection box.

    Cost almost £1.50.

    I can't work out if it's made from carbotanium, transparent aluminum (sic) or possibly even Neutronium.

    Note the expertly applied NASA approved space gaffa tape :)



    Looks like it’s made from Obtamium a well known and pragmatic material choice 😉

    • Haha 2
  3. I don’t think I said earlier, but the @FLO stand stood out by the sheer size and array of items on show, great job.

    The ability to see the true size and how kit actually feels is very important to me and I am sure others too, so kudos to FLO for allowing so much to be touched and admired, I hope the show was a success for you.

    As to Orange, I like it in a drink form but less so on an astronomy item, but then I love Red but the red trim on the SL 120 scope chokes me on sight….oh how we are all different.

    Super to see the broadening of FLO suppliers too.

    I chatted with another show attendee looking at the binocular mount, looks good and a notable move on from previous show versions seen. 

    I too did not talk to FLO staff as they were busy serving rather than chatting, good that was the case

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  4. 1 hour ago, Mr Spock said:

    They haven't moved with the times. Everything about them now looks basic and in need of modernisation. 

    I agree on the older pro and non pro items, but the newer scopes and mounts incl the 100 and 150 are far more on trend, but somehow miss on something too.


  5. I agree on the point about Skywatcher, it was once dominant and now is just a small part of many.

    Very clearly the market is imaging and the market has moved to cater for it.

    As a visual only astronomer, it starts to feel an alien environment more each year.

    I spent a chunk of my day on the Rowan stand chatting and catching up with friends who passed by.

    Those with az100, the hand set was real and in the wild and pleasant to use.

    I even now fully understand the y axis balance plate fully and see why it’s such a great idea.

    On the FLO stand I looked at lots and wondered at how all the Tak focusers felt much less wobbly than previous shows, perhaps Tak has changed something?

    Had a good chat with Steve about the dome changes now and for the future that they are making. I see an observatory in my future, subject to finances as always.
    We also talked about a mutual acquaintance and the fine fine that houses a very fine refractor.

    Lots of ideas now more cemented in my head for the future though.

    The one day format and location worked well, just a shame the M1 north was stuffed near theM45 exit.

    • Like 4
  6. I loved that the Askar 185 was made to look small mounted alongside the 12” 

    Lots of very nice kit, much that I would love, but sadly leave me wondering how I could ever purchase.

    Nice to see some images of the show for those who did not attend to see.

    I spotted faces in the images, that I have not seen in person yesterday. 

    Perhaps my lack of Red Carnation, yesterdays Times and a FLO clouds sticker failed me 😉

    • Like 2
  7. 10 hours ago, JeremyS said:

    Like Taks, you can never have too many copies of Starlight Nights, Nicola.
    Like you, I have 3: 2 original hardbacks and the newer softback.

    Thats made me grin Jeremy, 

    ‘When I read Nicola’s post I thought, must be a Tak owner thing, your post now confirms my thoughts 😉

    I love the Starlight Nights and do understand the need for a reading and a bookshelf copy.

    • Haha 4
  8. Delivery via Evri from AliExpress, first ever purchase this way.
    To say I was nervous was an understatement.


    I have a matching UFF for one I have had a very long time, now have an 18mm BinoView pair to try out 😃


    • Like 13
  9. 3 hours ago, Jim Franklin said:

    I used to live on Westcliffe Esplanade so I know that WHS quite well - I'm an Essex boy by birth. 

    You take the boy out of Essex, but you cannot take the Essex out of the boy….

    and that’s me born and bred Essex boy speaking.

    As to the OP and posters, they always had my interest and I kept them, they were many a time chopped up for our daughters school projects.

    • Haha 2
  10. 18 minutes ago, danbrown said:

    metal tube  magnet sticks to it

    In that case its highly likely not an OOUK one as they are Aluminium.
    The three vane spider is also not OOUK.

    As I indicated before its even more likely the model note by Peter and John etc.
    The Bird Jones design is a compromise and reduces performance.

    In answer to your initial question,  is it good or junk? Sorry to say it's more on the junk end than good end.

    • Like 2
  11. 14 hours ago, JeremyS said:

    Think of it this way: you will save money in the long run. 
    I had many telescopes over a period of decades until I encountered a Tak 😊

    And you still have many telescopes I believe, just many of them are now Takahashi for some odd reason.

    • Haha 4
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