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Alan White

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Everything posted by Alan White

  1. Very nice completion of this project Olly. The plaque and new cladding is the final touch.
  2. A nice Losmandy or similar mount or Astro Physics, that would be a nice combination.
  3. But at 14kg+ what would you mount it, even if it were a more budget price?
  4. Do you reckon it will be ok on the AZ4? ?
  5. Chris, Step away from the buy now button! Interesting refractor.
  6. Thanks Steve, the Pentax were top of my list.
  7. Always late to the party me, but here goes: Olympus DPS-1 10 x 50 my main astro set at present. Nice optics of very reasonable quality for the price. Swift Plover 8x 40 Very nice and light and wideish view, very sentimental as a present from my late parents. Nice optics, but more a birding set than astro, however who cares because they are very special to me. I am looking for a second 10 x 50 so I can play nicely with my wife and children when they observe in the summer. Any ideas for up to about £150 mark appreciated.
  8. Well here we go, my latest version, now home to a gaggle of SLV, thank you FLO for the special offer, made the completion all more affordable and quicker.
  9. Sorry to hear the plan has not worked for you. Thanks for sharing the why with us all as we can learn from this issue you have found. Roll off sounds the way to go, I share your thoughts on how it looks, but sometimes function over aesthetic is needed. Look forward to the Mark 2 pictures in the summer.
  10. Those added pictures, wow what a nice pair of scopes. The new house looks nice too.
  11. Dave Wonderful. Clearly you were heading toward a special scope and that looks to be a special scope indeed. I look forward to the first light reports. Enjoy. Alan
  12. Balzer, is that 24mm at x24 ish not low powered enough? I would think it would be fine and need no further purchases, but I am sure someone else who knows this scope will be along soon.
  13. Nice build Steve. My PWM's were ordered at start of November and arrived early January. Clearly it's a bit pot luck.
  14. I only go to 22mm Vixen LVW at the minute with my ED100, what scope are you using?
  15. That is a thing of beauty, very, very nice.
  16. Fully agree with the above from parallaxer, much discussion has taken place recently. You have been brave, we await your feedback with much interest iPeace.
  17. It is a nice portable chair, easily carried, very easily used and so simple. Works wonderfully with my refractor set up.
  18. Yes, I am a a little OCD with some things, my eyepieces is one of them, all very methodical and all very tidily kept. One or two in my clean pockets while observing for warmed optics and less dew.
  19. Fully agree with this, the fidling away keeps you occupied when it's cloudy or you cannot get outside for a number of reasons. The emptying wallet just happens and then happens some more, clearly some here have bigger wallets than myself.
  20. I think that it is worth the money and I am renowned for being careful with my cash; just ask my friends abut how careful I am with my cash near a bar!
  21. It's a very nice seat. I hesitated for some time before spending out as I felt at the time before purchase it's just a seat..... however now I don't think that way at all, very pleased and wanted to share the review to encourage others to hesitate less. Alan
  22. Thank you, I am 5' 10" in old money and the seat height at the top is fine for me. Those a little shorter and you may be correct. The cahir is not overly tall, measure the height stated 74cm (max seat height) against you legs and you will see if it's ok for you. As I said our mileages vary.
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