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Alan White

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Everything posted by Alan White

  1. Looks nice. Out of curiosity, how do you focus this lens as it looks Electronic and the Filter Unit and Camera are not connected electrically?
  2. Welcome back Jeremy, looks like a super location and that you were successful in your mission. All this talk of BBQ is making me hungry.
  3. I am Astigmatic and need to wear glasses at the scope, no choice in this sadly. This calls for long eye relief up to about 10mm, so larger exit pupils mean a choice limited eyepiece selection. I love my APM UFF 30mm, but wish for a step down in exit pupil. The choices I am pondering are: SL 20mm 2" 80 UWA or Nagler 22 t4 I know the t4 will work well with glasses, but will the SL20? The description on the web says yes, but many posts on the same EP differing branding say not. Your thoughts please. Clearly I prefer the price tag of the SL, but... And its for mainly the 10" OOUK Dob and the 6" OOUK Newt use.
  4. I expect your issue was that last night the Jet Stream would have been playing havoc with the seeing. To check the jet stream try using the following site: https://www.meteoblue.com/en/weather You need to click on Outdoor Sports and select Astronomy to get to this data. Hope that helps.
  5. That's a nice job, good on you. πŸ‘ I need to build a base like this for my 6" Newtonians and as a challenge, for me it will be a challenge as Wood Butchery is my level.
  6. I think this line hits it square on for me. I am visual only, tried a few images and went NOT FOR ME ta very much.
  7. And one final update from me. The seat was working fine, then I hurt my back again, but I have slipped disc things going on, the seat was pressing on my damaged spot too much, so I have sold No2 seat as I could not sit on it without pain. That's not the seat, that's my back. I have gone back for now to a padded stool.
  8. I can see a certain parallels here, Your named John, You Model make and Have a Handle thing going one..... Sounds a familiar tale for one late of this parish (RIP John in Derby). Oh and your oop North to me. Telescope40 aka JohnOopNorth 🀣 Sorry, I will go take my medication.
  9. You were clearly blessed with a clear sky, thank you for sharing these images. Well done you on seeing it at all.
  10. Dobsons vary in weight not just by size, but material of construction. Many have a chipboard base, which is notably heavier than the metal one used by OOUK. Some tubes are alloy, some steel, again a weight difference. I have a 10 OOUK and can move it, I have a damaged back, so my lifting ability is reduced. I would love larger, but unless kept sat in one suitable place and ready to use, would be beyond my ability to shift it, sadly. Clearly for many others this would not be an issue.
  11. Interesting on the SVBony, not tried these. I love the APM UFF, and Morpheus both very relaxing to use. Mind you so are many others. Keep on posting, your video was interesting.
  12. Nice video and liked the hear your feedback and reaction to nice sized Newtonian scopes. Interesting comments on the eyepieces, I do wonder if you wear glasses or not at the eyepiece, this makes a notable difference. Thanks for sharing.
  13. Yes, its been a challenging time, but makes the rewards the richer for it. I have managed a few sessions with varied scopes and more short ones with the binos. All that with a damaged back issue going on. If the hobby was too easy, it would be less rewarding!
  14. And it’s here. Earlier than expected delivery date of the 4/4… so that’s good Fits the Oouk vx6 f5 a treat πŸ‘
  15. It must be an Artesky day today… Case for my f5 vx6 that’s longer than other makes.
  16. Oh and @Stephenstargazer, why need any more reasons to give a Newtonian a go on your AZ75? The mount is equally as good in this set up as with a refractor.
  17. Both 150’s work well on the AZ75, it’s a very natural fit. As suggested very smooth and very Dob like, but the f5 sits higher than a Dob would, the f8 is a standing at mostly set up. Both super smooth, both can use the encoders in the mount and very comfortable in use. Both scopes are super mirrors and present very good images, both split doubles well and conditioned depending can deliver high power as target demand, this is also a reflection on the mounts quality and ability as all push for tracking. This set up feels very natural and is easy on my back.
  18. @Ratlet the AZ75 has no slow motions, it does not need them. But let's not re-open that painful debate.
  19. And just to show its not all Refractor mounting, here are my two 150mm Newtonians on the AZ75.
  20. Welcome back Louise, the bug never lets us escape, astro is in the blood. Super to see you in a new location and champing at the bit to get set up, good on you. I too am not knowledgeable on the dark arts of imaging, so unable to comment, sorry.
  21. Steve, looks great with the additions too, very nice indeed. The bonus is you survived the taking it home πŸ˜‰
  22. Resolved 😁 All other bags are shorter than the OOUK optical tube, which is longer than all other f5 150's. The only other bag was a Geoptik, but it taller than needed. An Artesky 150/750 Newtonian Bag, this is 800mm long. This was noted in a post by @markse68 Ordered direct from them as no UK stockist could be found. I will post an equipment review upon receipt and use. Thanks for trying to help folks, appreciated.
  23. Nice to see that you were able to tinker with the seat Ed, as I said in one of my posts about these, they are a Dobson of observing chairs. Oh and I am sure everyone is thankful you held back on posting an image of your rear end πŸ˜‰ 🀣
  24. Never a truer word spoken..... this clearly applies to myself as well as other πŸ˜‰
  25. It’s too short from published size, but thanks for the pointer.
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