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Posts posted by View2

  1. Admittedly I've never looked through an aspheric 36mm so can't really say which is better. I had a TV 2" 40mm WF on my 8"SCT and it gave 50X,  not super "low power" but very very nice. In my frac it is 23.8X and definitely low power.

    I think you meant the baader 36 72 bigger aFOV than aero40 68, only have owned 40 68 with 2032mm sct. My friend had a 32mm for his, which was wasn't very "low power" but was his low power eyepiece. 

    I'm not sure if 4 degrees is that much to give or take, but the low power views should be pushed imho. I suppose it also depends on exit pupil demands, glasses and such. For me it worked out great. Next gathering I may hunt down an 8"cat and see what the ES40 68 looks like compared to the old TV40mm WF.

  2. Excellent first scope! You might want a 2X or 2.5X barlow that will double or so the power of each eyepiece.  

    For your first targets try Saturn  ( Mars is very disappointing this year at least for me, too low in the sky 4 high power), moon, and the double star albireo  (beta Cygni), these can easily be found in your finder scope. My first DSO was m13 and not too hard to find and very rewarding. In time you will see more than you see now once your brain realizes it's not watching TV:)

  3. I shall relish the thought of my good fortune then, and stop complaining about the rain. I once drug my 8" down to AZ on the plane, now that was amazing...clear dry skies. Caught a glimpse of OmegaC at near twilight, big! In the deep night there was Cotton overhead like I've never seen since. Took a trip to kit peak too, but not with my scope. Freaking cold up there. I've missed this hobby.

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