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Everything posted by Petehog72

  1. thanks Nige, as soon as i get fixed with a camera i shall post some images, I will give it a try and do the best i can and see what happens
  2. Thanks for the advice folks, I kinda expected these answers and the photography side came in after the wife bought the scope, the scope is great and loving the observing, I will still chip away and wont expect the images to be great but hopefully wet my feet in the world of astrophotography
  3. great thread, im just waiting to get a camera to start getting images like these, the images on here are very inspiring and give me the confidence knowing i can get images like these with our set up, we have a celestron 8se and im looking at getting a canon 600d, budget is tight as my camera died after a water leak.
  4. The information on this site is invaluable, its great how everyone gets involved and answers questions for us newbies, ive had my old scope for years but have rekindled my interest along with my wife, she bought a new scope which is somewhat of a huge upgrade and we are loving it. many thanks to everyone for making our interest better by the information passed on, clear skies all. Pete
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