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Simon Dunsmore

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Posts posted by Simon Dunsmore

  1. Hi Folks, 

    Quick question. I have one of these power supplies and want to be able to leave it outside whilst the camera goes through the imaging run. 

    I'm worried about moisture and was wondering if I could place the unit in a waterproof box. My concern is that it may overheat? I had thought about fitting a fan but wouldn't that spoil the integrity of the box? 

    Your suggestions are much appreciated. 

    Thanks in advance 




  2. Hi Folks, 

    Ive just purchased a asair Pro and am presently awaiting delivery of a tablet on which to work it. 

    I've read a lot about the poor WiFi signal emitted by the asiair pro and wondered if this would work when working away from home by simply plugging it into a usb port on the pro. 


    On another note, I have set up an extender in my garage to boost the house WiFi into the garden. The problem is that extender creates a different address that works in garden but by the time it reaches my lounge is operating at 30mbs, is this enough? I have a long ethernet cable to connect the Asiair to the extender, so Im assuming that should be OK.

    Thanks for your help 


  3. 18 minutes ago, Newforestgimp said:

    I’m afraid i can’t offer filter advice, can I enquire where you are getting the mod done and how much ?



    Hi Andy, 

    I decided to go with Andy Ellis at Astronomiser. I have read nothing but good reviews. 

    Cost is £130 Canon eos60d H alpha removal. 

    • Like 1
  4. Howdy Folks,

    As the winter drags on and clouds continue to be the only thing I can see through my telescope, my thoughts have been wandering to warmer (and hopefully clearer) days. I've been considering having a pop at planetary imaging with my Skywatcher 130PDS (mount HEQ5 Pro).

    Looking for suggestions as to which ZWO (I have an AISIAIR Pro and want it to be compatible) camera would be my best option. My budget is pretty low so I was considering the ZWO ASI 120MC-S USB 3.0 Colour Camera. I am aware that there are a few others such as (ZWO ASI 224MC USB 3.0 Colour Camera) in my price range of £200 ish but not sure if the difference is worth it.

    Thanks in advance for your suggestions.


  5. Hi Folks,

    I finally received my ASIAIR Pro and whilst I'm waiting for the clouds to clear got to thinking about warmer days and consequently the prospect of imaging the planets, Would anyone have any experience with planetary imaging using the AISAIR Pro?

    My kit:

    Skywatcher 130PDS

    HEQ5-Pro Goto mount

    Camera (presently) a Canon 60D but will be looking to purchase a ZWO planetary camera for this purpose


    Thanks for your input


  6. 4 hours ago, PeterCPC said:

    You don't say what camera you would be using but, if you go to the resources tab and FOV calculator, you can see just how big/small the image would be.

    Hi, Thanks for your reply. With DSOs I generally use my Canon 60d but I also have a ZWO 120 mono that I use for guiding. I was considering using the ZWO to try my hand at imaging the planets without spending too much money. I recently received £150 in birthday gifts so not a fortune to spend. 

  7. Hi Folks, 

    Quick question, I own a Heq5 Pro with a Skywatcher 130pds and love it for astrophotography of DSOs. I was hoping that this year (if the clouds clear by then) to do a cheeky bit of planetary imaging but don't want to spend a fortune on another ota. 

    I see quite a few Celestron powerseeker 114eqs for sale at silly money (£50) I was wondering if this would work? 

    I would obviously ditch the mount and use the Heq5? 

    Any thoughts or perhaps other ideas on a sub £100 used ota for planetary imaging? 



  8. Hi, 

    Hoping for some help from the collective brain. 

    Not being overly techy, I'm a bit baffled as to what tablet to buy that would work well with the ZWO asiair pro. 

    I'm considering the one below as it's just about the cheapest on Amazon with 4gb of ram (which I believe is the minimum???) 

    Not too sure about the WiFi 2.3 or 5 not sure what that means??? 

    Thanks for your help 


    Lenovo Tab M10 Plus 10.3 Inch FHD Tablet – (Octa-Core 2.3GHz, 4GB RAM, 64GB eMMC, Android Pie) 

  9. 28 minutes ago, Scooot said:


    You just need a WiFi device such as a smart phone or tablet (IPad) to connect wirelessly to the Asiair itself. You don’t need a WiFi signal from anywhere else. So from a WiFi viewpoint, being “in the sticks” isn’t an issue. You would need portable power though.

    However if you do have a local WiFi signal, you can connect to it, such as your home router. The WiFi range of the Asiair itself isn’t very good so if for example I set my scope up outside my lounge window, I can sit indoors and operate it. However if I move around the house I’d lose the connection. If you do lose the connection everything carries on working, and you can just reconnect when you get back in range. I believe some people have bought a WiFi extender to get around this.

    Its very easy to use. Of course at first it’s a bit strange but after you’ve familiarised yourself it’s extremely intuitive.

    I had an issue with the sockets on my unit not working. I didn’t discover it for 3/4 months after I’d purchased it. ZWO support helped and as soon as they realised it was an issue FLO replaced it. Although I think FLO did that off their own back.

    oh I forgot to say, I haven’t used a polemaster but the Asiair is great, very straightforward. The plate solving is very quick and very helpful, especially when I was trying to find things. 

    Hi, Thanks so much for reply. Really helpful! Never plate solved so that element is New to me. 

    I have a Skywatcher 130pds.  Finder scope shoe is taken up with my guidescope, so would need to attach it to the tube rings. Can I ask how you attached it to your rig? 

  10. 17 minutes ago, Snoani said:

    After my laptop died a few weeks ago, I decided to plump for an Asiair to replace it and streamline my rig, which it very much has done.  I now only have one power cable running to my scope, instead of four power cables and one USB.  I've only used it a few time but I can give you experience so far:

    1.  It doesn't have to be within wifi range but will need to be in range of an ios or android device.  I use mine within range of my wifi and so I can control it from anywhere in my house.  However, it can be linked directly to your phone or tablet and programmed that way.  I believe, but can't be certain, that once you have programmed it and set it on an imaging run, your device doesn't need to stay next to it, but I can not be 100% certain of this. 

    2. It is very easy to use.  I spend a few hours prior to my first image run, connecting the app to the device, getting used the the app, and where everything is in it.  I then had it imaging the next night within no time.   I think that it is just as easy to setup an image run that using a laptop.  The only downside is that you have to be connected to the Asiair to get into the app, so you have to factor this in when setting an image run in advance.  That being said, it doesn't take long.  

    2a.  I've not used a Polemaster, only seen it on Youtube, but I think that it is a little bit less work.  It is very similar to using Sharpcap, if you have used that polar alignment routine.  

    3.  I don't don't have any experience with Eagle Core. 

    4.  So far I am loving the Asiair Pro.  My setup is more streamlined and because I have fixed the unit and wiring around the scope, my physical setup time is now as long as it takes me to level the tripod.  I've had good guiding returns and the dithering is working much better than I could ever get it working on my laptop.  I would say that I wish that I have bought one earlier, but I think the Asiair was missing a number of features last year, which have only just been added, such as autofocus between filters etc (requires the ZWO EAF).  I believe that the next update will be implementing plate solving from a previously taken image.  

    Because it is ZWO, my understanding is that it will only work with other ZWO tech,, such as imaging camera, guide camera, EAF etc, so you will need to consider this if you have any technology from other brands.  


    Hi Jem, 

    Thanks for your reply. Really appreciate your time in writing all that. 

    Just one question, I was planning on using my Canon 60d dslr with this. I know that for the guide cam you need a ZWO camera. Have you used a dslr with it? 

    Thanks again Simon 

  11. Hi People, 

    I'm considering streamlining my set up, losing my QHY polemaster and laptop and treating myself to a ZWO Asiair pro. 

    I just have a couple of questions that I would like to pose to the corporate astro brain that is Stargazers Lounge. 

    1. Does the unit need wifi access to work, if so what do you do when out in the sticks? 

    2. Just how easy is it to use? And how does the polar alignment compare to the Polemaster? 

    3. I was considering the Eagle Core but this would still involve a laptop to control the mount + polemaster plus a mobile etc 

    4. Any general feedback on the ZWO would be appreciated. 

    Thanks for your help 




  12. 8 hours ago, Tiny Clanger said:

    That's the app version is it? Ive always use the desktop version which actually tells you what you are looking at!


    I think stellarium uses the middle one degrees, minutes and seconds, then decimals of seconds, that your conversion here only has one tenth of a second while stellarium has two digits after the decimal point shouldn't matter ... stick a '5' on the end of both N and E if inputting it to stellarium requires an extra digit, the difference is tiny .

    By the way, I'd suggest deleting your image showing the co-ords (and I'll do the same when you have got your problem sorted) , if you click on the show location on map button on the converter you will see how accurately it could lead someone to your door !


    Hi Heather, 

    That's really helpful, thanks for your time and effort on this. 

    I just need a clear night to test it out 😁

    Good idea on deleting the images. Will do once I've set up Stellarium. 

    Thanks again and stay safe 


    • Thanks 1
  13. 21 minutes ago, Tiny Clanger said:

    OK, I know this !

    In my daytime guise as a geocacher I often need to convert all manner of co-ordinate types to solve puzzles, and this is the page I generally use:


    not least because it usually can automatically work out what system your input co-ords are , which saves brain cells for a fool like me.



    Thanks for that link, looking at my gps coordinates and what I have entered in Stellarium, I need to amend things. 

    My GPS coordinates 

    51.0881474 Lat

    1.1256632 Long

    Therefore am I right in thinking these should be entered as:

    51 5 17.3

     1 7 32.4

    The only problem is that the website list them both as N. 🤔 

  14. 3 hours ago, Tiny Clanger said:

    Beat me to it by a whisker ! 🙂


    Hi, Really appreciate the collective brain power on this. I found one discrepancy. I had entered the lat and long in decimal format thinking that the degree and minute format would update automatically. 

    I've attached a screenshot of the coordinates, where do I find the + and - 

    Also still not sure about polaris needing to be in the eyepiece when stellarium is showing the telescope rectical on polaris. 

    Thanks again folks 

  15. Hi Folks, 

    So, after spending the last couple of cloudy weekends setting up my mount to work with Stellarium, I finally got a break in the clouds last night and decided to try it for real. 

    Everything seemed to work well apart from the accuracy. The scope slewed to near the target but not to it. I realigned the star into the eyepiece and used ctrl 3 to sync it with stellarium several times but still not accurate. 

    Before I started I used a polemaster to polar align. I was wondering, when Stellarium starts up it shows the scope centred on polaris, but actually it's the mount that is centred and not the scope. Does this mean that once I'm polar aligned that I need to put polaris in the eyepiece before using stellarium or are my inaccuracies down to something else or both? 

    Thanks for your help 


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