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Posts posted by iPeace

  1. 20 minutes ago, John said:

    Nice and now even nicer :icon_biggrin:

    It's often said that the Ethos range falls into 2 "sets" depending on the scope thats being used:




    The 4.7 and 3.7 seem to be considered as "standalone" items.

    Never being one for "rules" I seem to have a crossover set with some from each group but only the 21-13-8 group complete.



    From the TeleVue website:

    The 21mm focal length completes the logical set of 21mm/13mm/8mm and nicely juxtaposes the 17mm/10mm/6mm combination. Each step within these two sets approaches a 3x field area gain.

    The 17mm ETHOS is an ideal complement to the 31mm Nagler Type-5. They are parfocal (both have focus locations about 3/8" above shoulder) and the 31mm Nagler Type-5 has exactly twice the true field area.

    • Like 1
  2. 2 minutes ago, OneEyedSam said:

    watch out for the inevitable sagging of the pick an pluck foam.  Especially from the terminagler.

    I recently re-lined my case with ethafoam, which is cheap, more rigid than P&P foam and easy to cut/work with.  I'll upload photos tonight.

    Indeed, the case always remains in this position (flat) when not being carried with this in mind.

  3. 4 minutes ago, niallk said:

    I was wondering what was wrong with the 10mm :D

    Yeah, I'll give you another WOW!! ;)

    BTW second-team castoffs always welcome - I'll cover postage :) If I lived near you, you'd probably find me snooping around your bins over the next few days!

    Congrats :thumbsup:

    Snooping around my... oh, the WHEELY bins, indeed. Thought you meant the Canon 10x30 IS bins. Now that WOULD be conspicuous. :happy11:

    Thanks for your appreciation!

    • Like 1
  4. To those of you who, upon seeing this, hear one or more voices repeating the words "complete me" with varying levels of intensity, I say: don't worry, that's perfectly normal. (To all others, I say: :help:)


    Note: the foam dividers will probably be reinforced to be a bit more sturdy. The space at lower right is obviously predestined; the space in the middle is still up for grabs. :icon_biggrin:

    Inevitably, this leads to a "second squad" of very fine eyepieces, which currently live in their boxes whilst their owner ponders their future:


    One of these will probably be allocated a permanent spot in the case (it also has the advantage of not taking up too much space therein). Others may justify starting a second case - something which goes against my grab-and-go ethos (sorry, that's feeble) - or will find new owners in due course.


    • Like 2
  5. 1 minute ago, Moonshane said:

    I do like the Delite range. Eventually the 15mm Pan might be on the chopping block and possibly even the 9mm Nagler even though I have only just re bought it!

    Ultimately I will possibly get a full set over time. While I save though I have plenty of time!

    Wow, is the 9mm Nagler not working out as well as you hoped?

  6. 44 minutes ago, Floater said:


    Light and frivolous words that barely amuse the gods as they set plan and path to gainsay you. 


    Goodness, no offense meant. At any rate, my soul is prepared.


    And I'm very grateful for every time they take the roof off my padded room so I can do some stargazing. Must stop howling at the Moon, though...


    For the sake of understanding, I shall re-phrase. As my eyepiece collection nears completion, whatever problem I may have in this respect gets closer to being solved!

    • Like 1
  7. On 05/03/2016 at 11:31, surfindogg said:

    The tube is actually a bit scratched in places and I was thinking of either re-painting it white or doing a carbon fibre vinyl wrap job on it - any thoughts?


    The scope has earned those scratches. Be proud!

    It certainly looks the biz...


    • Like 1
  8. 2 minutes ago, Stu said:

    Just as an update, here are my two in solar observing guise. Tak FC-100D with Wedge and binoviewers. Burgess Optical 91mm triplet with Solar film and let's not forget my lovely little finder, also with it's own filter ?. Mounted on the Ercole and Meade Giant tripod. Solid!




    Is that another great DIY pillar, or a commercially-available option?

  9. 10 minutes ago, Stu said:

    How do you get on with the Starbeam finder? I found mine a bit awkward, never really took to it but I know people do really like them.

    For bright targets it is the bee's knees. That's when the right-angle mirror is most useful. When things get a bit more faint one has to do straight alignment, which can involve some gymnastics... I still have my RACI but I am trying life without it, so to speak... I like the Rigel even more, but I have only used it on the ED 70. Got some stick here on SGL for it being so ugly, so it will have to be a very dark night on which I try that finder on this scope


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