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Everything posted by wornish

  1. I have just got Armbian running on RockPi4B (RK3399), did you compile KStars/Indi from source?
  2. Postman delivered a RockPi4 and 256GB NVME M.2 memory. Going to try and compile KStars on it. Initial tests show the RockPi4 is blazingly fast. Read speed from the NVME is 1.5GB/sec 🤓 My RaspberryPi4 with SSD manages a respectable 350 MB/sec. For further comparison the read speed from the SDCard is 24MB/sec.😟
  3. Anyone running KStars on the RockPi4 ?
  4. They are not available for the RPi unless you are running Astroberry.
  5. I use Topaz DeNoise for my moon shots. I think when used in moderation it does a great job.
  6. Someone asked this question on another forum. Why are craters on the moon almost always round? why no glancing blows?
  7. I have the edgeHD 9.25 and set it up each time on my AZ-EQ6 mount. The OTA weighs 9.5kg so its not too hard to set up.
  8. Taken this afternoon using my OMD EM1mk3 with 300mm and 1.4TC
  9. I have the standard AZ-EQ6 and was thinking the same thing about getting a new power cable as it is a bit stiff. Great Mount.
  10. If all you want are the INDI drivers then go to the Indi home page https://indilib.org And click on the Get Indi drop down. Select MacOS and it takes you to the Mac page then click on the down arrow at the bottom. If you want to get the latest Indi and KStars/Ekos then go to the KStars page and download the Mac dmg file https://edu.kde.org/kstars/#download
  11. The settings you use in Registax6 are critical. Make sure you are using the Gaussian filter option not the default option. This video explains the process steps.
  12. As you are on a Mac the upgrade is straightforward. Simply download the macOS file from the site and a single click will do the upgrade. Your supporting databases and setups will not be changed and it will work straight away.
  13. Depends what system you are running it on. If it's a Windows based system then simply go to the Kstars site and download the Windows version. https://edu.kde.org/kstars/#download If its Mac or Linux then follow the instructions on the site to download the specific version. If you are running on a Raspberry Pi then you have two options . a. If running under Ubuntu linux follow the instructions on the site. If running Astroberry then you can simply use the software update steps described on the Astroberry site. Open terminal. Use: sudo apt-get update && apt-get upgrade When you do this update update it updates EKOS and Indi as well. If you are running some other version of Linux then I am afraid a full recompile is needed which is not for the feint hearted.
  14. Taken using my ZWO ASI290MC on HD925
  15. Managed to get some good detail last night. This is a stack of the best 10% of 2000 frames taken with my ASI290MC on HD925. Got a few more images still to process. Must learn how to do a proper panorama.
  16. Pixinsight is capable of producing high quality output by itself. but that said many people always give their images a final polish is an image processing app. If you want free one then have a look at GIMP it can do anything even PS can do. Affinity Photo is not free but is available for a one off payment and has many astro features excellent value for money.
  17. Plus 1 for Sharpcap, it is so quick and easy. KStars/Ekos also has a very good polar align function and its free!
  18. Had another go tonight. Single shot hand held again.
  19. Single shot hand held. EM1mk3 + 300mm + 1.4TC.
  20. Few close ups. Not very happy with the clarity.
  21. There is a useful tutorial here. Its for autostakkert 2 but it applies to 3 as well.
  22. One thing that stands out for me is that you have way too many alignment points and they are two small. Try clearing the grid and then select the 200 AP Size or manually pick a size.
  23. Its no longer in beta they released the full version last night. 1.9.
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