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Everything posted by alacant

  1. Yes. It was added with indi 1.7.something so it should be included. I'm not a mac person but I'd guess you downloaded the latest version and ran the installer? IOW, whatever you did to install what you have now but with the latest version. But that's a guess... --- --- --- I'm not sure why you'd want a paddle with eqmod though... Let's hope a mac user can get onto this:)
  2. It's included in the latest indilib so it should already be there unless it's a mac specific omission. Can you call it from the command line? ~$ indiserver indi_joystick 2019-08-07T09:37:03: startup: indiserver indi_joystick If not, my advice would be to upgrade to the latest indi (I think that's the one you get when you install kstars from here) or if you're brave, build it from the indi source and if still no go, ask on the indi forum. Cheers
  3. Hi IMHO and as with most things in Spain, it's best done by word of mouth, beginning in the local bar. These guys should get you started. HTH.
  4. Hi Gina How about the EKOS scheduler? Automation from start to finish; hit start, get a good night's sleep and the next day you have all your frames ready for you. The only worry would be the observatory roof. Unless it's indi compliant of course. Just a thought:)
  5. Well, that confirms you're well and truly back into imaging, LOL! Yep, it looks like your way forward for the wide angle stuff, especially with your decent symmetrical bb. Some interesting comments about why the -local- crop solves but the wide field doesn't. Maybe post a link to your indi thread in case others are having similar problems? Well done for sticking at it.
  6. Hi. Looking good. Best to let EKOS determine the FOV. All you have to do is enter your focal length, sensor resolution and pixel size. The defaults always work I find. Once it's working consistently, then you can start tweaking. Good luck with the clouds and do report back:) **EDIT. Why not have a go with the simulator profile? Put in your camera and focal length in the indi panel and snap away. Good for testing your setup and no need for clear skies.
  7. Bingo! Now check you have the correct files for your telescope and that you have read permission;) Cheers
  8. OK, that's fine. So if the indices are not at: /usr/share/astrometry are they at : /home/gina/.local/share/kstars/astrometry ?
  9. Hi. They don't necessarily have to be there, but usually are if you installed them via the Debian packages. If you installed them via EKOS, they'll usually be at: /home/gina/.local/share/kstars/astrometry Here are the relevant lines in astrometry.cfg: # In which directories should we search for indices? add_path /usr/share/astrometry add_path /home/steve/.local/share/kstars/astrometry HTH
  10. Hi. Quite often wrong permissions on: /usr/share/astrometry or the wrong entry in: ~/.local/share/kstars/astrometry/astrometry.cfg Maybe activate the log to see exactly what's happening. This should do it: Cheers and HTH.
  11. Hi No. OTC, you don't need anything fancy for AP. Some of the old manual lenses produce superb results. A quick eBay throws this and this amongst hundreds of others. You'd also need an adaptor. HTH
  12. Dunno. The OP didn't have any success. Maybe they would if there were more of them? Worth a try? Cheers
  13. Hi. I think you'll need longer. This is with our 700d on 130pds but using 300s exposures. Cheers and good luck.
  14. Hi A good way to learn different approaches is watch someone's TeamViewer session. Not so good when they then expect you to switch cameras at 03:30!
  15. Hi. If that puts the OP overbudget, there's a clone for around €90 for the colour verson. I have the mono version and alongside the zwo120, it's performance is identical. If you want to do deep sky too, just get something easy to cope with e.g. an eos 450d which has nice big light hugging pixels. HTH
  16. Hi. We once did an old refractor. Best to dismatle it, swab in 1% copper sulphate solution -sold as swimming pool fungicide- and rinse well with distilled water. Use one of these to shine through it over night every few months. HTH.
  17. Hi. Oh dear. Too many variables? Suggestion: Lose the rpi for now and throw some decent resources at it. Get indi-ekos-kstars all on the same box; e.g. a laptop running ubuntu 18.04. Once you're familiar with it, then may be a better time to delegate parts of it -e.g. the indi server only on the rpi- to lower resource. +1
  18. Hi. Great shot. I had a go at the stars and took down the red a bit. Salu2
  19. Hi everyone Not had the little 130 out for too long. We used an old eos 450d which a visitor had brought along. It made an interesting comparison with our 700d. The 450 seems more sensitive -we took 4 minute frames- perhaps at the expense of noise. Has anyone done a dslr sensitivity comparison I wonder... Thanks for looking and any 450d users do share your experiences...
  20. +1. Yeah, there's so much rubbish out there. It's just a flat mirror which apart from reflection does nothing to the incident light falling upon it. Get it close and leave it! I wish I had read nothing before I started. All I needed was someone to say 'make it look like this'. With apologies to @Jason D for reusing the post. Cheers and clear skies
  21. Hi Don't forget that what we do have in Linux is support. The indi devs will ssh/teamviewer in and fix your problem there and then. **To save embarassment, firstly make sure that it isn't something obvious; the last time I asked for help, all that was done was change the configuration and hit save. I had forgotten the latter. DUH!
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