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Everything posted by alacant

  1. Excellent; imaging rather than 'testing'. I still haven't worked out why there is so much of the latter!
  2. Hi Backlash or rotational resistance; the horizonrtal-ish bit at the top- Can you feel any backlash in DEC? Try to rotate the axis with the clutch tightened. If you can, take up the slack until it's minimal. Otherwise, loosen until you can feel it's just free. The other culprit for DEC sticking is the cone bearing at the base of DEC where the cw shaft slides. Cleaning and tightening the collar finger tight only usually solves any sticking. Remember it's a cheap, mass produced mount. If you want to go further, you'll probably have to strip it bare, replace bearings and convert to belt drive. Cheers
  3. What does the ga recommend? That will give an idea of the seeing.
  4. We found that on a geared eq6, a fixed 122s period -without adjustment- had almost immediate effect. But start imaging immediately anyway. If the first few frames aren't as good as the rest -they usually are- then you can always discard them. Cheers
  5. We never got vspec to do anything against the pe either. You could try loosening RA until you can feel backlash. That may go some way to lose the spikes. But hey, if your images are ok, I'd leave it. Cheers.
  6. Hi Even better we find is the PPEC RA guide mode in PHD2 instead of hysterisis. It should help you lose the PE and -hopefully- the sawtooth with it. HTH
  7. Hi Excellent shot. I agree with @tooth_dr that it's a bit dark. Here it is within a mm of its life. The nebula is showing a bit. Add more frames and you're onto a winner. Cheers
  8. Hi If the images were OK then leave it. Otherwise... DEC looks as if it could be sticking. Usually it's the cone bearing at the base of DEC where the counterweight shaft fits. Clean and regrease it but don't tighten more than finger loose. Then there's the usual EQ6 periodic error in RA which PHD2's PPEC will all but eliminate. Don't forget to polar align to around 5' of the pole but remember that, IMHO, the most important factor in guiding, we have no control over; the atmosphere. Cheers
  9. Hi Phew. To get started in astro-photography with that telescope and stand a chance of getting results, I think you'd need to imitate one of these. OTOH, I'm almost certain @laser_jock99 may be able to help with alternative ideas. Good to have others on board with big reflectors:) Cheers and good luck.
  10. Hi Yeah. That quite often happens here, especially early on after sunset. Best to start imaging anyway; it seems to take a while to settle and the graph can look awful. After an hour or so seems to be the time by which to gauge how well you're doing. One factor you can't control are the atmospheric conditions and I think that that that plays the biggest part in all guiding. One night you can be great, the next, all over the place. Nothing equipment wise has changed, the seeing however has. On nights with steady sky -and there' aren't many- maybe, but remember to look first at the the sky, then the images. Try to avoid looking at the numbers (or the graph!). Cheers and good luck. EDIT. EQ6 geared? Try the PPEC algorithm for RA with a fixed period of 120.
  11. Hi. I think we fare better than those further north and it's definitely warmer, but it's not all clear skies. Take last night. Started around 21:00 with good visibility. 2 targets, m50 to warm up and then m96. We were progressively attacked by Saharan dust. I don't think any of this is worth processing! **EDIT: and here's what it looked like from Alicante, around an hour after sunrise. Here's hoping for some rain to clear it and leave everything covered in non-telescope-friendly red mud...
  12. Amazing and so much simpler than a B. mask. I wonder if this is the answer to focusing between the red and blue fringes? Must have a go.
  13. Ok. Remove the t ring and unscrew the part in which you had it inserted. This part is only for visual use if you are going to look through the telescope. It is for inserting an eyepiece. Remove it. next, look back at this post: Attach your camera and insert the assembly into the focuser of your telescope. That's it. HTH
  14. Hi everyone Managed 6 frames before this went behind the mountains to the west, early hours. Never expected anything like even though it did seem exceptionally dark last night. Main problem with camera lenses; the focus... Do tell us how you do it. Takumar 135 + 450d ISO400
  15. Excellent comparison. Yes, I think so too. We're in close agreement. Thanks for posting.
  16. Oh dear... Spanglish: base de datos = database Sorry
  17. Start imaging. Fine. Nice round stars. Go back to make a periodic check. Guiding has stopped and blank frames are being downloaded. Check all cables, connections, park and unpark mount and start again. Still nada. Best part of an hour. Only then do I look upwards...
  18. Thanks. Interesting. This is one minute frames so I'm almost certain there'd be more stars going to two, three... TBH, I ran this through the bd and it turned out almost monochrome. So I went for an "artist's impression"; colour all the way up to eleven.
  19. Phew, 6 minutes. Well done. Tremendous! I think we agree on colour. More or less. Thanks for posting. Most useful.
  20. Hi everyone Google tells us that this is an old cluster with orange stars. So when I want orange, I get blue. Can't win. Strange sort of all-over-the-place cluster in the middle of nowhere. kstars also gives another cluster in the same fov but I can't see it unless you count the bright-ish stars lower left. Thanks for looking and do post if you've had a go at the same. 700d on 208 f3.9 45min @ ISO 800 ** quite a sight watching scorpio et al rise early hours, carrying the planets with them:)
  21. Hi Great shot. Thinking about having a go with our 10" reflector. Did you have any problems finding an oag guide star? It looks pretty sparse in stars over there. Cheers and clear skies.
  22. Thanks for posting your version. I don't think it's lacking detail. We can see colour in yours where ours is lacking. Examples using similar resources help us enormously, hence our request when beginning the thread. But yeah, I know. I'm lucky if my attention span extends much past 1/2 an hour. I prefer to give the processing to a mate or two and let them argue over it! But there is hope. New ways to process are evolving and will hopefully cut the screen staring to a minimum. Cheers
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