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Everything posted by geoff_k

  1. A quick shot with my Canon 2000D and a solar filter.
  2. No. Stepped out onto the patio, pointed the camera and got lucky.
  3. Almost full Snow Moon last night from Yeovil in Somerset. Too misty here this morning for the actual Full Moon. Canon EOS 2000D with 300mm lens and a quick touch up in Photoshop.
  4. Don't get to do a lot these days but my DSLR gets an occasional outing. Took this last night from the back garden.
  5. No it was a fancy Image Stabilised, Ultrasonic one. Second hand as well. Like I say, I couldn't get anything good with my PST given the conditions, but I thought that might happen so I got the Baader filter from FLO and it saved the day.
  6. Due to my arthritis I don't do much imaging these days. I battled the clouds and the nippy weather to get this image (eventually). Used a Canon EOS2000D with a 70-300 lens and a Baader solar filter. I have a Coronado PST but the Sun is so low this time of year plus the clouds I gave up with that. Too much cursing before the watershed! The original grayscale image wasn't as clear as I'd hoped, so I used Photoshop with a bit of colourisation and enhancement.
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