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Everything posted by Mattham

  1. Hello everyone After my own 'newbie' thread and reading much on the forum and elsewhere, I managed to get over to Tring Astronomy Centre last weekend. I went in with the intention of firming up my choice of the Sky Watcher 200P but was also pointed to the Bresser, which I think is fairly new to the market and I can't find too much about....links to them are: http://www.tringastro.co.uk/sky-watcher-skyliner-200p-dobsonian-telescope-454-p.asp http://www.tringastro.co.uk/bresser-messier-dobsonian-8-inch-9890-p.asp From what I can figure out, the Bresser is possibly the 'better' unit in that I really rather liked the mount and the way it worked and its ability to provide an upgrade path to an eq mount at some point as I do retain an interest in AP, and the focusser really 'felt' a lot better to use than the Sky Watcher, just good and solid with the right weight to it. However, its £55 more expensive than the Sky Watcher.....as a newbie would the fact that the Sky Watcher has 2 eye pieces rather than the 1 of the Bresser and the finder scope on the SW rather than the LED finder on the Bresser mean that I'd just end up spending more money if I went for the Bresser? Is the SW a better package all in? Jane at Tring recommended the Bresser over the SW, I wanted to do some research but haven't really got anywhere, before I go back and talk to them again and place an order..... Any thoughts and opinions are most welcome.....please! Thanks all, Matt
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