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Everything posted by Allinthehead

  1. On the Christmas tree cluster. You?
  2. Much appreciated thanks. Thanks Adam. Thanks Craig, very nice of you to say. Thank you Tom, Shadows and highlights in PS helped with the core.
  3. Thanks Colm, It's been poor lately but clear again tonight😃. I'm going to image with gain 0 for a while as every time I do I find the colour improves and fwhm is always lower. My sub lengths are longer which means less wasted time imaging and shorter stacking times are another bonus. Worth trying for a while I think. High sub numbers won't counter the added read noise at gain 0 but longer subs will so long as the read noise is swamped by signal.
  4. Hi all, I was lucky enough to have a clear night last Saturday and decided to revisit Orion. I captured 5 hrs in 120 second subs at gain 0 with the Asi2600mc and Tak Epsilon 160ed Mounted on an AzEq6. Processed in Pixinsight, APP and PS. Richard.
  5. Lovely image Rodd, looks like the background is quite a bit darker with the luminance. More detail in the nebula with the luminance data. Are you using the luminance data just in the nebula?
  6. Sometimes worth trying, so many times I go by the forecast and regret giving at go.
  7. Forecast says cloud but I'm out pointed at Orion, it looks like it won't last long though. Nice to at least capture some photons.
  8. Thanks Padraic, hoping the forecast holds up for tonight. How's it looking for you? Thanks very much. 👍 Very nice of you to say.
  9. Hi all, it's been a miserable couple of months for imaging in East Cork. I did however manage to grab a couple hours ha data to add to my Andromeda rgb data from early December. I used my Stc Duo filter with the ha added selectively using this method. http://bf-astro.com/tutorial/addHa.htm Image consists of 411 frames of 60 and 120 second exposures and 2 hours of ha in 300 second subs. Asi 2600mc through a Takahashi Epsilon 160ed mounted on an AzEq6 Stacked in APP, Processed in APP, PI and PS Regards, Richard.
  10. https://www.atik-cameras.com/news/holiday-closure/ Might be of interest to some. Richard.
  11. Thanks again to everyone for your input. I'm thinking that the telescope idea would be a little cumbersome and may result in lack of use. Leaning towards one of these at the moment with a good camera tripod https://www.teleskop-express.de/shop/product_info.php/info/p7960_TS-Optics-Optics-Spektiv-Final-100-F-ED-Objektiv---22-67-x100-mm.html
  12. Thanks everyone for the great advice. I've put together a combination of gear, hopefully I haven't forgotten anything. https://www.teleskop-express.de/shop/product_info.php/info/p7169_TS-Optics-ED-APO-80-mm-f-7-Refraktor-mit-2-5--R-P-Okularauszug.html https://www.teleskop-express.de/shop/product_info.php/info/p1165_Vixen-Porta-II-Montierung---Azimutale-Montierung-mit-Feinverstellung.html https://www.teleskop-express.de/shop/product_info.php/info/p89_TS-Optics-Optics-2--Zenitspiegel-mit-99---Reflexion---1-12-lambda.html https://www.teleskop-express.de/shop/product_info.php/info/p466_Baader-Hyperion-Mark-IV-Zoom-Okular-8-24-mm---68----1-25----2-.html Total comes to 1,340 euro. I wonder is an adaptor needed to attach the scope to the mount?
  13. All great suggestions above thanks. Found this too https://www.picstop.co.uk/all-celestron-telescopes/celestron-c5-spotting-scope.html?gclid=Cj0KCQiAqvaNBhDLARIsAH1Pq522-1e0u5C2p0mVNCL1E0iWHajuZqOJet_ymyXIrgv1jguGPNrQiFMaAjv6EALw_wcB
  14. Hi all, I was asked to give a recommendation for a decent spotting scope for use from the deck of a house. Think watching ships etc from a distance, views of the moon and planets would be a bonus. I was looking at something like this https://www.odysseymagazine.com/celestron-c90-review/ or this https://www.camera.ie/products/celestron-landscout-scope-20x60x80. Tripod obviously needed for both. Open to any suggestions. Budget is £900 but would be willing to double it if it's worth it. Regards, Richard.
  15. Thanks Andrew, I was just informed that today is actually the anniversary of the death of Henrietta Swan Leavitt.
  16. Hi all, It's often said that great discoveries are made by building on work done by others and Edwin Hubble's discovery in 1923 that M31 was not a Nebula, but in fact a galaxy of it's own is no exception. His remarkable and perspective shifting discovery was made possible by Henrietta Swan Leavitt's work, providing astronomers with the first standard candle. Her discovery allowed one to know the true luminosity of a Cepheid by simply observing its pulsation period. This in turn allowed Hubble to determine the distance to the star, by comparing its known luminosity to its observed brightness and thus changing our understanding of the Universe. The star in question is known as V1. Image consists of 411 frames of 60 and 120 second exposures Asi 2600mc through a Takahashi Epsilon 160ed mounted on an AzEq6 Stacked in APP, Processed in APP, PI and PS Regards, Richard. Half Resolution Full Resolution
  17. Nice Pacman. I have one of these filters and it's great for bicolour images especially targets like the veil nebula. One for sale here too.
  18. Nice one, I'll never forget seeing the dust lanes in my first Andromeda. I couldn't stop looking at it.
  19. Looks great in rgb Rodd.
  20. That looks great. The only feedback I'd offer is to keep adding more data and you won't need so much noise reduction. I would aim for at least 5 hours, Ideally more. I find my images come alive after about 5 hours of data. That Samyang is a wonderful little lens.
  21. Thanks, still worth a shot in moonlight. Colour suffers but the details are there.
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