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Posts posted by Allinthehead

  1. On 06/02/2024 at 13:37, Knight of Clear Skies said:

    Lovely image. There is a lot going on in this part of the sky in IR:


    A project I'd like to do sometime is have a go at blending the WISE data into a widefield shot of this region.


    That would be a great project 👍 

    On 06/02/2024 at 15:57, Ouroboros said:

    That really is a very nice image. Is that blue OIII?  I might have a go at that myself. 

    Thank you. I don't know what the blue is but I don't think it's Oiii.

    • Like 1
  2. Hi all, 

    These data were captured over 6 nights, beginning on the 09/12/23 and finished on the 14/01/24. 18.4 hours in 120 second subs at gain 100, using my Asi2600mc.

    3 panel mosaic, shot through my Takahashi Epsilon 160ed and mounted on an AzEq6.

    Capture software was SGpro, stacked in Astro Pixel Processor, processed in PS,APP,PI. Topaz denoise.

    Hope you like it,



    • Like 26
  3. 25 minutes ago, ollypenrice said:

    Are you sure? It came from a very long time ago and originally looked like this:




    Is it not the Squid data you sent me for the image below?


  4. 7 minutes ago, CCD Imager said:

    The long exposures have really paid off, both in terms of pulling out the brown dust and smoothness of the image


    Thanks Adrian, it's a target that needs lots of data to stretch hard.

  5. On 06/12/2023 at 19:13, ollypenrice said:

    This has already been done very successfully - more than 13 years ago, no less.


    In the past it really needed Registar to be workable but, these days, other software can co-register and resize data from different setups.

    I collaborate with other imagers fairly regularly and also collaborate with myself, in that I use very old data to enhance a new image. The Squid data for this new image are about 10 years old and from a setup I no longer have.



    I believe I recognise that Squid data!

  6. 48 minutes ago, Adreneline said:

    Very nice Richard - and good to see you back. I really like the colours - I am a big fan of brown, dark and dusty, with pockets of jewels in the darkness. Adrian

    Thanks Adrian. The stack was a little grey in the dust but a boost in saturation and a slight increase in the cyan part of the reds really brought out that reddish brown.

    • Like 1
  7. Hi all, unfortunately very little imaging for me over the past year and a half, so i'm delighted to be back at it.

    These data were captured over 5 nights, beginning on the 15/12/22 and finished on the 4/12/23. 17 hours in 180 second subs at gain 100, using my Asi2600mc.

    Shot through my Takahashi Epsilon 160ed and mounted on an AzEq6.

    Capture software was SGpro, stacked in Astro Pixel Processor, processed in PS,APP,PI.Topaz denoise.

    This is one of my favorite regions of the night sky, I've imaged it many times and hopefully I've done it justice.

    NGC 1333 is a reflection nebula located 1,000 lightyears away in the constellation Perseus.

    The nebula lies on the edge of a large star-forming region and contains hundreds of stars that are as young as less than one million years old.




    • Like 13
  8. On 10/05/2022 at 14:12, Zummerzet_Leveller said:

    Lovely image Richard.  I just started to pick up the planetary nebula in my recent image.  8.25hrs with a OSC and it was only just picking it up.  Nice idea to add narrowband data too, might look at that in the future.

    Thanks Jody. It was well worth the effort adding the duoband data. Really brought out the reds and blues.

    On 10/05/2022 at 16:41, gorann said:

    That is great Richard! I see that you have collected more of the faint Ha from the SNR since you posted it for the dust-competition.

    Cheers, Göran

    Thanks again Gorann.

    • Like 1
  9. Hi All, this is the Wolf's Cave Nebula in Cepheus.  Wolf's Cave was first discovered photographically by August Kopff, an assistant to Max Wolf, and announced by Wolf in 1908 in the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. https://adsabs.harvard.edu/full/1908MNRAS..69..117W. It lies at a distance of about 1,400 ly from Earth. The red in the background is from an Snr.

     Over 5 nights between April and May I managed to collect about 14 hours of rgb and 5 hours of HaOiii using my duoband filter.

    Asi 2600mc through a Takahashi Epsilon 160ed mounted on an AzEq6.

    Processed in APP, PI and PS.




    • Like 20
  10. 23 hours ago, mackiedlm said:

    Thats just fantastic. Such a wide range from dark nebulae to the bright centers but all perfectly balanced. Beautiful.

    Much appreciated, It's a super area to image.

    22 hours ago, Astroscot2 said:

    Superb image, God I want an Epsilon.

    Thanks, well worth the investment, your 2400 would suit it well I think.


    11 hours ago, Annehouw said:

    Hi Richard,

    What a nice field of view! It is very nice to see some wider compositions of relatively well-known objects. 


    Great image!


    CS, Anne

    Hi Anne, many thanks and CS for you too.


    10 hours ago, GalaxyGael said:

    That's lovely Richard, nice and wide to get the emission and reflection nebula juxtaposed across the frame like inverse of each other. I like it.

    Thanks Colm, It lends itself well to this field of view.

  11. On 13/03/2022 at 12:20, juno16 said:

    Absolutely beautiful image Richard! All of the background is full of nebulosity. Wonderful image!

    Thanks Juno.


    On 13/03/2022 at 17:31, Padraic M said:

    Richard that really is spectacular. There's so much detail to take in and lots of food for thought for future study. I love the "mermaid's purse" NGC2261 in the bottom left.

    Thanks Padraic, I've wanted to capture that for quite a while now.

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